Wednesday, August 04, 2021

How to Prepare for a Plastic Surgery

Getting an elective procedure such as plastic surgery differs in many ways from surgeries that have to be performed for medical reasons. In some ways, this can make the process even more frightening and stressful, but there is one big advantage to elective surgery. Unlike some medical surgeries, which have to be performed with little mental preparation, you can prepare yourself for the surgical process and the recovery more easily with an elective procedure. According to the doctors who perform plastic surgery from, “making changes to your appearance is a very personal decision.” It stands to reason, therefore, that the preparation process will be equally as personal. There are, however, a few simple steps that can help you prepare for plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures.

1: Get Medical Clearance

This first tip is a crucial step in getting any elective procedure. Before you book your plastic surgery date and pay a portion of the procedure’s cost, you must have your primary doctor complete a physical exam on you. This physical exam will allow your primary doctor to decide if you’re healthy enough for plastic surgery and help reveal any potential complications before you go in for plastic surgery. If you are not healthy, a variety of complications could occur, increasing the risk of a long, painful recovery time. This exam should take place at least one month before your surgery.

2: Lifestyle Changes

There are also a number of lifestyle changes that you should make to ensure that the surgical process goes as smoothly as possible. If you smoke, you should abstain for at least two weeks prior to the surgery. This will decrease the risk of infection and complications due to low blood pressure. You should also avoid aspirin and similar painkillers for those two weeks, since certain common painkillers can thin the blood and increase the risk of excessive or lengthy bleeding. You cannot drink alcoholic drinks for three days before the surgery, since drinking can also thin the blood and depress your immune responses.

3: Arrange Help

Help from your friends, family, and support system is essential, especially in the early stages of recovery after the surgery. You shouldn’t hesitate to request help you may need while you are recovering, and indeed there are probably people in your life who you already know will be happy to help. Make sure that you arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery on the day of the procedure, since you will be groggy and likely in some pain immediately afterwards. You should gather items that you will need during your recovery in a convenient place near your bed and plan meals ahead, putting them in the freezer to make eating well easier than cooking every meal. Your friends and family may have to help you with some everyday tasks during your recovery, so never be too proud to ask for help.

4: Eat More Protein and Fiber

Increasing the protein and fiber in your diet in the weeks leading up to your procedure can help hasten the recovery process and make the entire experience more comfortable. Protein from healthy sources, such as fish and nuts, can help bolster your immune system and promote muscle health during recovery. Increasing the fiber in your diet through eating fruits, greens, and yogurt will help your digestive system. This is a good idea because of the risk of constipation during recovery due to medication and decreased exercise. Foods with an excess amount of salt should be avoided, since they will exacerbate swelling and therefore increase recovery time.

5: Stay Hydrated

Hydration is the single most important piece of your everyday health that many people ignore, and in the leadup to surgery the importance of proper hydration cannot be overstated. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water, or around 48 to 64 ounces of water, will keep you hydrated and on the road to a quick, easy recovery.

This is a guest blog entry.

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