Thursday, December 12, 2019

7 Facts to Know Before Your Botox Appointment

As we get older, we start developing wrinkles. This is a natural part of the aging process. This is because your skin gets thinner and drier as you age, making it lose its flexibility.

When you’re younger, your skin can easily spring back. Once you get older, however, sun damage, dehydration, and smoking can all contribute to wrinkles because your skin is no longer as elastic as it once was. Even certain facial expressions, such as frowning or repeatedly raising your eyebrows, can contribute to wrinkles.

Despite the fact that wrinkles are normal, some individuals might feel the need to invest in Botox (botulinum toxin). Botox can help to reduce wrinkles by paralyzing the muscles underneath the skin. This allows the skin to retain a smoother appearance.

If you’re considering a Botox procedure, here are some facts you’ll want to keep in mind.

Botox is completely safe—if you’re working with a professional

Botulinum toxin is an extremely poisonous substance—so how is it safe for it to be injected into your body? For starters, only a small amount of botulinum toxin is used in botox injections. The amount that is used is completely safe. Secondly, a doctor that specializes in facial anatomy will know exactly what they’re doing, minimizing the risks associated with the procedure. Make sure to consult with several professionals before deciding on a doctor.

Botox injections are quick

Most of the time, the procedure will take somewhere between 10-15 minutes. You’ll first be instructed to wash any make-up off of your face and cleanse your face. You’ll then receive the injection without any anesthesia. You’ll feel a prick as the needle enters your body, then you’ll feel a tightness under your skin. It is relatively painless, but some people prefer to use a numbing cream or an ice pack before the procedure. 

Botox isn’t permanent

The effects of Botox will typically a few months. Some people only get injections before special occasions, but if you’re hoping to permanently have smooth skin, you’re going to need to work with your doctor to come up with an injection schedule. Research is still being conducted on the long-term effects of Botox, however, studies have shown that adverse side effects are more common in those that receive regular Botox injections.

Botox doesn’t go into full effect immediately

It can take up to two weeks before you start seeing the full effects of Botox. You’ll start seeing the effect on smaller wrinkles within a few days, but more severe wrinkles will need more time. If you’re getting Botox for a special occasion, get the injection at least two weeks prior to the event. This will allow the Botox to take full effect, as well as gives enough time for any swelling or redness to subside.

Botox can cause bruising

It is common to experience some bruising or swelling after receiving an injection. These bruises will typically appear right at the injection site, but some are more widespread. If you’re going to develop a bruise, it will likely appear within two days of receiving the procedure. It is safe to use concealers to help cover up the bruise. Upping your Vitamin C intake before and after the procedure can also help prevent bruising.

Botox has minimal side effects

The side effects of Botox are minimal. Other than bruising, other common symptoms include headaches, fatigue, muscle stiffness, and droopy eyelids. Botox can also spread to other parts of the body. It is always good to talk to your doctor about any possible side effects before undergoing the procedure. Make sure to be completely transparent with your doctor and let them know of any medications you’re on. Certain medications can intensify the side effects of Botox.

Botox isn’t just cosmetic

Most people assume that Botox is only used for cosmetic purposes, but it can also treat medical conditions. Botox can be used to block the chemicals that trigger the excessive sweating that is associated with hemihyperhidrosis. It can also be used to treat muscle spasms, overactive bladder, and uncontrollable blinking. So if you hear of someone receiving Botox, don’t assume it is because they’re trying to get rid of their wrinkles. They could have an underlying medical condition.

Final thoughts

Botox is a safe procedure that can help reduce wrinkles and treat several medical conditions. If you’re starting to feel self-conscious about the number of wrinkles you have or you think Botox could help improve your health, you should consult a professional to find out what your next steps are.

This is a guest blog entry.

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