Tuesday, July 31, 2018

10 Lesser-Known Vitamins and Minerals (and Where to Find Them)

Whether you’re a child, a gym professional, or an aging body, everyone knows the importance of a vitamin-rich dietary plan. But with such a long lineup of essential nutrients out there, locating all of them can become a confusing undertaking (especially when most people aren’t even sure what each one does).

To simplify your life, here is a quick list of those often overlooked vitamins and minerals, and exactly where you can hunt them down.

1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
There are various B vitamins which the body requires, and yet there’s a general misunderstanding as to what all of them do. B1 is a good example of a nutrient which turns carbs into usable energy while strengthening the nervous system at the same time.

To introduce more B1 into your life, stock up on sunflower seeds, yellowfin tuna, lentils, and black beans.

2. Vitamin K
Vitamin K helps your blood to clot, which means that a simple laceration could turn into a much riskier incident of blood loss if you're deficient in this area. Vitamin K is also good for your bones and preventing the collection of calcium within your blood vessels.

To get your fix, look no further than spinach, kale, broccoli, and just about anything leafy green.

3. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
There are plenty of beneficial qualities to riboflavin, including the breakdown of protein, carbs, and fats which increases the metabolism and raises your energy levels. What’s more, it helps your blood to move along which can improve your skin’s texture.

B2 can be difficult to find, but if you're willing to feast on calf’s liver, then you’re good to go. For everyone else, try milk, almonds, and yeast.

4. Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Niacin looks after your nervous system while providing your body with sufficient energy to function throughout the day. It has also been shown to support your digestive organs while lowering your cholesterol levels, reducing the chance of a stroke or heart disease. Finally, there are some other reports which link this nutrient to healthier skin.

Look after your B3 dosage via the means of chicken/turkey breast, almonds, seeds, and whole wheat products.

5. Folic Acid
While its claim to fame is the development of a healthy baby during pregnancy, folic acid is still important for all genders to look into. It has been shown to assist cell rejuvenation and is essential for functional red blood cells which reduces the chance of anemia.

Folic acid is best found in broccoli, beans, asparagus, and lentils.

6. Vitamin B6
B6 is a special vitamin which works in conjunction with other vitamins to boost their roles. When used as a part of a complete diet, it lowers homocysteine, an amino acid negatively linked to depression, dementia, osteoporosis, and strokes. What’s more, it has been shown to promote a healthier brain, skeleton, and cardiovascular system, while also decreasing the chance of kidney stones.

There is plenty of B6 available in beef, chicken, bananas, potatoes, and chickpeas.

7. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Biotin is an ally of your red blood cells, which means an improved delivery of oxygen around the system, often sold as hair growth products. Much like B6, biotin also lends a helping hand in the absorption of other nutrients.

Unfortunately, B7 is very difficult to find in foods but is available in lower amounts from almonds, tomatoes, and animal livers. However, it is recommended that you consider researching biotin supplements depending on your gender and lifestyle, as there are vitamins for men or women available.

8. Vitamin E
The often misunderstood vitamin E is ideal for better blood circulation and tissue repair while acting as an antioxidant for an improved immune system. But be careful not to overdo it! Vitamin E is fat-soluble and can remain in your system for a long time. If you are on other medication, speak to your doctor first before boosting a supplement dose.

For everyone else, fill up on almonds, sunflower seeds, olives, and turnip greens.

9. Vitamin B12 (Folate)
If you find yourself regularly short of breath, you may need to investigate your B12 intake. Folate supports the metabolism’s conversion of food into energy while bolstering your red blood cells and the nervous system.

Due to its abundance in meat, eggs, and cheese products, most vegans are B12 deficient. If you prefer a green diet, increase your yeast consumption and explore supplement options.

10. Magnesium
Famous by name, magnesium is an overlooked asset to your muscles, improving their ability to contract and relax. Furthermore, it also regulates your blood pressure while aiding the body in its calcium absorption which promotes healthier bones.

Seek out some extra magnesium by filling your plate with spinach, almonds, beans, and avocado.

This is a guest blog entry.

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