An epileptic seizure occurs when the brain experiences an abnormal electrical discharge. It can be produced by anything that is irritating to the brain. In some cases, the discharge affects just a tiny part of the brain and only results in the person noticing an odd taste or smell.
In other instances, it may affect bigger areas and cause jerking-convulsion and muscle spasms throughout the victim’s body. The individual may also lose muscle control and suffer brief attacks of unconsciousness. Seizures can and do affect those who aren’t epileptic.
Natural remedies, although not a substitute for conventional treatment, can help address the symptoms of epileptic seizures without the side effects that arise from the use of anti-epileptic medication. If you’ve been wanting to add something new to your seizure treatment regime, you can look into the following alternative therapies.
1. Natural Supplementation
Nutritional and dietary interventions are considered useful and even therapeutic. For instance, low dose (less than 1000 mg) of omega-3 supplementation can reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures. A dosage of Vitamin E can increase antioxidant capabilities, which can help reduce epilepsy symptoms that aren’t responding to conventional medication. Cannabis oil supplementation has been reported to stop life-threatening seizures. The right supplementation, therefore, can work wonders for your recovery.
You can find cannabis oil for sale, as well as other supplements, on health product websites. Look for quality assurance that has been done in-house, as well as verified through third-party labs that conduct high-performance testing, to ensure purity and potency in every bottle. Reliable vendors will also instruct you to do your own research and consult with your healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplement.
2. Biofeedback
This is a technique of using imagery or relaxation to alter body functions including blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. The practitioner uses a monitor and an electrode to measure these functions. Patients are first asked to envision a stressful situation and then the practitioner teaches them various calming techniques.
The procedure can help people with seizures, migraine headaches, high blood pressure and pain. The patients are able to see the differences between relaxed and stressful situations on the monitor. They can then use the techniques to control their body functions and feel more relaxed. After ample training sessions the frequency of seizure goes down and so does the aura rate.
3. Acupuncture
Acupuncture can help lessen the severity and frequency of epileptic seizures. The technique helps in restoring the flow of energy (qi) throughout the patient’s body. Qi energy flows through pathways called meridians and this is the force that is said to play a role in the functioning of the body. A person without epilepsy is believed to have a balanced qi. In a person with the condition, the qi flow is believed to be distorted. The goal of acupuncture is to rebalance qi flow throughout the patient’s body.
To restore qi flow, tiny needles will be inserted by the acupuncturist into certain areas of the body; this helps the professional in analyzing the meridians via which the energy flows. If a person is suffering from epileptic seizures, key points would be manipulated by the acupuncturist to increase the flow of qi energy to the head. After restoration, the therapist will recommend natural exercises and dietary supplements to keep the qi in its balanced state.
Patients dealing with the stresses of epileptic seizures are likely to benefit from these measures.
This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.
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