Monday, March 04, 2024

How to aid your teenager through a drug detox

There’s no doubt that as our children get older, they become more aware of drugs and access to them gets larger.

Drug abuse is frequently on television across TV and film and referenced in movies, and it’s only natural many teenagers are going to want to experiment. In fact, around 38% of 15-year-olds have taken drugs according to an NHS report, while over 11,000 teenagers seek support for substance abuse each year.

Discovering your teenager is abusing substances can be heartbreaking, as well as evoking all manner of emotions from guilt to shame, anger to empathy. Ultimately, they need help, and to do that and get them through a drug detox, you need to take a careful approach. 

Educate yourself 

That all begins with educating yourself about the situation. It’s an important first step that allows you to understand what they’re going through as well as the process of detoxification. You’ll get a good understanding of the withdrawal symptoms, side effects, and what lies ahead following the detox, such as treatment plans and recovery routines. 

Create a supportive environment 

While discovering your teenager has a problem with drugs can cause anger, it’s important to be supportive throughout the entire process in order for them to enter recovery.

The whole process should take place in a supportive environment, removing any triggers from the home or anything that could cause temptation, while ensuring they are as comfortable as possible not only physically but also in how they communicate their feelings and seek help when needed.  

Encourage open communication 

Being comfortable in communication should be the case at all stages of your teenager’s battle with addiction, detox and recovery. They need to be aware that you’re there to help, but importantly you are there to listen too.

One of the key elements here is removing any sense of judgement and providing reassurance that they can not only openly discuss their struggles and fears, but also they aren’t alone on their journey.

Seek professional help 

Naturally, you should also seek out professional help alongside your own emotional support. Consult with healthcare professionals and rehab centres to get expert guidance on the steps needed to get your teenager the help they need.  

Encourage healthy habits 

As part of detox and treatment, as well as moving forward, a healthy and balanced lifestyle is crucial. 

You can play a big part in that by encouraging healthy habits such as nutritious meals, staying hydrated and regularly exercising.

Practises such as meditation and yoga can be really good for stress relief and cravings reduction and promote overall wellbeing during recovery. 

Be prepared for the challenges 

There will undoubtedly be setbacks and challenges along the detoxing and treatment process. In fact, there will be in recovery too. Consult with professionals to find out what the main challenges may be and make a plan on how to best deal with those.

It’s important that in the face of every challenge as a parent you remain patient, empathetic and supportive, reminding them of their goals and the reasons why it’s important to tackle this issue in the first place.

Help build a support network

Finally, it isn’t just you that is going to need to help them, it requires an entire support network that can encourage and keep your teenager on track.

Encourage your teenager to surround themselves with networks of friends and family, as well as participating in the likes of support groups.

Support groups can be a great way to find support, advice, and invaluable encouragement that can really boost the effectiveness of detox, treatment and recovery. 

This is a guest blog entry.

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