Monday, May 13, 2019

Electronic stethoscope vs Traditional

Since the stethoscope was invented, it has a lot of modifications and types, but nowadays, two of them are conquering the market: the classic and the electronic stethoscope.

The stethoscope is used to listen to the internal sounds (lung and heart sounds) of animal or the human body, although it is used to attend bowel sounds or blows by blood flow in arteries and veins.

The stethoscope is the most used tool because it is simply effective and is considered as a symbol of healthcare professionals. 

René Laennec was the inventor of the stethoscope in 1816 and allowed to leave immediate auscultation technique using a rudimentary cylinder of wood of 30 centimeters. This invention was a breakthrough in exploration and description of certain diseases.

Classic stethoscope (flexible bi-earphones):

It´s composed by a chestpiece made of steel, that gets the sound and transmits it by tubes to the listener´s ears for sensing sound. Most of them respond to the quality of the materials and composition, but the main difference comes determined by the chestpiece.

Some sophisticated stethoscope models have a double chestpiece, with two different diameters that can adapt itself to different patient sizes.

The main problem with traditional stethoscopes is that the test result is not objective. Two doctors will listen different things, and this is why the electronic stethoscope was invented.

Electronic stethoscope:

The electronic stethoscope is an innovation in cardiology and pulmonary areas as in primary care physicians and nurses. It includes pioneering utilities that get benefits and advantages for the professional development of his medical practice.

Benefits of using the electronic stethoscope

1.    It allows traditional auscultation.

The way to use the electronic stethoscope is the same that is used with a traditional stethoscope, easy and using the same technique. It doesn´t require any complexity.

2.    It amplifies the cardiac/respiratory sound

It´s easier to diagnosis problems with than with a traditional stethoscope because it is possible to amplify the sound x10 dB. This will help many health professionals with hearing loss.

3.    It applies filters to change between cardiac and respiratory sounds 

The electronic stethoscope eKuore Pro allows switching between cardiac and pulmonary sounds just
 clicking on a button. This is very effective in case of infectious patients. 

4.    It´s wireless

The electronic stethoscope doesn´t need a tube; it allows increasing the distance to the patient. The professional will take auscultation without cables. This is very effective in infectious patients and telemedicine. Even more, the battery is not a problem because it has a duration of up to 25 days.

5.    It includes different sizes of chestpieces

eKuore Pro electronic stethoscope has interchangeable chestpieces, that can be adjusted to the patient’s sizes. You will only need one electronic stethoscope and change the chestpiece to use it with different patients, adults, paediatrics and neonatal.

Advantages of using the electronic stethoscope connected to Smartphones:

1.    Record the auscultation

The main difference between traditional stethoscopes and eKuore Pro electronic stethoscope is that the second one allows to record the auscultation and follow up with the patient. Traditional stethoscopes are not objective, and two doctors may give a different diagnosis for the same underlying pathology.

2.    Display the sounds

The eKuore Pro APP will capture the sound to make the process objective. It makes it easier to get a diagnosis without sending the patient to a medical specialist. Physicians can also reproduce the auscultation sounds as much as they want.

3.    Share the record auscultation

In some cases, it is necessary to get a second opinion with regards to diagnosis. With the eKuore Pro stethoscope, this is very simple; you can send the auscultation via email to the specialist and get an immediate second opinion.

4.    Visualize the phonogram

Another advantage that you will get with an electronic stethoscope that you cannot get with a traditional stethoscope is the ability to visualise the phonogram in real time and record it.

5.    Listen to the auscultation up to 5 people

This is the main difference between a traditional stethoscope is that it is possible to listen to the same auscultation with young doctors or resident doctors. The eKuore Pro stethoscope allows listening to the auscultation simultaneouslyin  up to 5 people.

6.    Perfect for telemedicine

Electronic stethoscopes have made a huge difference in telemedicine because it promotes teleconsultation and home visits. All the characteristics of the eKuore Pro electronic stethoscope make it possible to use it from any point and send the information to the doctor in real time.

7.    Artificial intelligent projects

It´s possible to combine the electronic stethoscope with machine learning to get an objective diagnosis.

8.    Made the sustainable system finance

The eKuore Pro avoids consuming other sanitary resources because physicians can make a diagnosis before sending the patient to a specialist.

9.    Marketing tool for private clinics

In private clinics and pediatricians, the electronic stethoscope is different, because it´s possible to share the diagnosis with the patient. This is especially useful fo pediatricians that want to share the diagnosis with the parents.

To sum up, eKuore Pro electronic stethoscope is helping to diagnose problems more than traditional stethoscopes because it has many characteristics that improve the classic stethoscope.

It´s possible to acquire the electronic stethoscope eKuore Pro here and try all of the new functions.

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Friday, May 10, 2019

What Are the Advantages of Full Spectrum CBD for Chronic Illness?

Many studies have shown that CBD and products plus CBD oil have many health benefits that can help people who suffer from chronic illnesses. It’s known to have natural advantages that help reduce inflammation and relieve chronic pain. For patients who suffer from anxiety, CBD has calming properties that help reduce the episodes.  In this article, we will go through the various elements of full spectrum CBD oils and their benefits for chronic illnesses.

Full spectrum hemp oil:

Products plus CBD oil, are in high demand, but before purchasing a bottle for yourself, you need to know what the oil consists of and why it’s so popular with people. Full spectrum CBD oil has loads of great benefits that affect the human body. A full spectrum oil is extracted from the industrial hemp plant, which is part of the cannabis family; the components that are taken from the plant are mostly non-psychoactive. Industrial hemp has very fewer traces of THC, which makes it legal for sale in the United States. THC is a psychoactive element that is more prevalent in the marijuana variant of the cannabis plant. Hence, marijuana and THC based products are considered illegal and banned in most states in the US. Hemp differs from marijuana on a chemical level and the way it is cultivated as well.

Recently, farmers have recognized hemp as more than a recreational drug. They are growing it as an agricultural crop; the plant is cultivated to be used in many products like food, clothing, skin and health supplements, every part of the hemp plant is used as it has its unique properties. The hemp’s seeds and stalks are used during the extraction process, for the oil.

There are a few ways manufacturers use to extract full spectrum CBD oil. Some places make use of chemicals like Butane and Hexane to extract the oil while others use CO2 extraction. The chemical extraction process is not very popular because the substances that are used can be toxic and have adverse effects on your immune system when consumed.

CO2 extraction is a much safer way to extract CBD, and the critical method involves carbon dioxide in a highly pressurized chamber that includes low temperatures. These conditions are necessary, so that the compound is isolated, preserved, and the purity of the oil is maintained. When the CO2 extraction is conducted safely and carefully, then the end product is potent and safe to use.

Industrial hemp is known for being rich in CBD, and it’s safe to consume because of the minimal levels of THC; it can’t influence your mood or cognition.

Are all the delivery methods the same for full spectrum oils?

There are many variants of products plus CBD oil, and they are available as sprays, creams, gels, tinctures, balms, and capsules. However, not everybody can absorb the same amount of CBD. The dosage differs from person to person. A young person’s metabolism may be higher so they may need a stronger dose of CBD, while a senior citizen may need a low dose of CBD because their metabolism may not be as fast as it used to be. If you’re looking to increase the absorption rate of your CBD product, then you can go for a liposomal delivery form that will make the cannabinoids accessible to your body.

What are the benefits of full spectrum CBD for chronic illness patients?

Many studies have shown positive results of CBD, especially for people who suffer from chronic illnesses. Listed below are some of the points that will help you understand the link between CBD and chronic illnesses.

1.     Anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties:

If you constant fatigue or Lyme disease, or any other illness where the pain is a consistent factor, then you may want to find a good source of relief. A prescription medication does help with pain relief, but they have their fair share of adverse side effects that can make your condition go from bad to worse. If you’re looking for a natural remedy, then CBD oils are a great choice because of their anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. They help reduce pain with minimal to no side effects.

2.    Can reduce anxiety:

Having anxiety episodes can be a terrifying situation, especially if it escalates to a full blown panic attack. Prescription drugs can be dangerous as it can have negative effects on your physical health while trying to rectify your mental health. CBD is known to trigger the receptors in your brain, allowing it to release endocannabinoids into your system, thereby relaxing you and reducing your anxiety levels.

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Thursday, May 09, 2019

How to Help a Person Struggling With Drug Addiction?

Overcoming addiction may seem like an impossible thing, but countless people have managed to escape the vicious circle of drug abuse. Many people don’t understand how or why people become addicted to drugs. Some of them have the misconception that addicts lack willpower and moral principles and that they could stop using the drugs.  In reality, it is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes time.

1.    Understanding Drug Addiction

Before fixing the problem of drug addiction, you have to understand it first. It is a chronic disorder in which the sufferer has an urge to seek and use drugs despite the adverse consequences. It is classified as a brain disorder because it affects multiple brains functions including:
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Behavior
  • Decision making
  • Reward
  • Pleasure
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Judgment
The changes in functions mentioned above may last for one or two years after stopping the drugs. Drug addiction is like other diseases. It is dangerous, but it is treatable. However, if the patient is left untreated, it can ruin his/her life.

2.    Effects of Drugs on the Brain

Drugs interfere with the way neurons receive, send, and process signals via neurotransmitters. Drugs flood the person’s brain with a chemical called dopamine. It gives a feeling of pleasure that keeps the drug addict high. Over time, the mind gets used to the extra dopamine, and needs to take in more of the drug to enjoy the same feeling.

When a person uses drugs for a long time, it can cause changes in the brain’s other chemical systems. Drugs can hurt the brain’s working process. These changes in the brain can drive a person to seek out and take drugs in ways that are beyond his/her control.

3.    Signs and Symptoms

Drug addicts tend to show signs of diseases. The most common signs of the problems are given below.

Physical Symptoms

Changes in a person’s appearance can be a clue to possible drug use and may include:
  • Bloodshot or glazed eyes
  • Constricted or Dilated pupils
  • Abrupt weight loss
  • Changes in sleeping schedule
  • Unusual body odors
  • Looking unkempt
Behavioral Symptoms

Drug use can change a person’s habit and behavior. Some drugs can impair the brain’s ability to think and focus clearly. Following changes in behavior can indicate a problem with drug abuse:
  • Irritability or Increased aggression
  • Changes in personality and attitude
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Changes in social network
4.    Rehabilitation Centers to Help Addicts

Rehab centers help people recover from addiction. Addicted people often need additional care to go back to their healthy lives.

However, they must choose between inpatient or outpatient programs once they decide to overcome any reservations and are ready to enter treatment.

There are two types of rehab centers:
  1. Outpatient Rehab Centers
  2. Inpatient Rehab Centers
Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment requires drug addicts to live at the treatment facility during their treatment. It is the recommended option for the patients who want to get away from their current temptation and focus on getting sober without any distraction.
Inpatient treatment includes:
  • Supervised detox
  • Group and individual therapies
  • Outing to beach, restaurants, or movies
  • Medically assisted treatment
  • Safe recovery environment
Outpatient treatment

It involves some sort of therapy at clinic or treatment centers that allows a patient to go home after receiving treatment. There are many options for those who are struggling with drug abuse. These clinic centers are an excellent option for those who need help for drug abuse, but they are unable to attend them.

You should not feel shame to join any rehab center if you or your beloved one is suffering from this problem then. There are several treatment centers in Virginia helping their patients to stop drug abuse. They provide group and individual counseling, aftercare monitoring and behavioral therapies to their patients.

Outpatient treatment includes:
  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Medication management
  • Relapse prevention education
5.    When to Go for Help

Drug addiction keeps increasing with time. You shouldn’t wait to go for help. Other people feel reluctant to enter treatment due to lack of cost, support or fear. Treatment can help you or your loved one get out of this misery. Your treatment may include medicine, counseling, or both. You can ask your doctor to figure out a plan which gives you help to fight it.

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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Caffeine-Free Ways to Fight Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) can be a frustrating illness. Not only do you have to deal with symptoms that hinder your productivity and quality of life, many people, including doctors, don’t understand it and may assume that you’re just making an excuse. For a patient with CFS, simply getting out of bed can seem like an impossible task even after a good night’s sleep. Some patients are even confined to their beds.

People with CFS may turn to drugs like caffeine to keep them alert during the day, but not everyone likes the taste of coffee or tea or wants to rely on substances to stay awake. Read more to learn how to deal with CFS effectively without caffeine.

First, visit your doctor.

The tips shared in this article can still work if you’re just tired, but if you’re excessively tired and haven’t seen a doctor yet, please do so. You may have CFS, or you may have a completely different condition that is causing these fatigue symptoms. For example, iron-deficiency anemia, a blood condition, can also cause fatigue. Getting a professional diagnosis will ensure you’re treating the right condition.

Consider medications.

There is no cure for CFS, but your doctor may recommend certain medications to help relieve your symptoms. Know that if you’d like to avoid stimulant medications and caffeine, you have other options.

For example, antidepressants can help relieve pain and improve sleep. Dietary supplements may also help, but talk to your doctor first before starting any. These medications can get expensive, but patients can buy antidepressants like Clomipramine, Duloxetine, Setraline etc. from international or Canada drugs online through pharmacy referral services that ship medicine from licensed pharmacies.

Consider psychotherapy.

Depression and anxiety are frequently associated with CFS. Lethargy, lack of motivation, and reduction in quality of life, work, and relationships can definitely contribute to low mood and stress. In this case, you may wish to consider seeing a professional therapist.

Psychotherapy is not just about sitting down to tell someone your life story. Today, psychologists use techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help patients in the here and now identify and modify negative beliefs and behaviors. Therapies like CBT require active participation on your part, so prepare to be challenged!

Try graded exercise.

When you’re dealing with chronic fatigue, getting up to exercise may seem near impossible. However, it is a scientifically proven fact that physical activity stimulates alertness and has plenty of health benefits you shouldn’t miss out on.

CFS patients can try a type of therapy called graded exercise. Graded exercise gradually exposes you to physical activity, starting with extremely simple range-of-motion and stretching exercises that are an intimidating few minutes a day.

Remember that your feelings are legitimate.

People with CFS are sometimes unfairly judged. Others may assume that CFS patients are simply hiding behind their illness as an excuse to be lazy. After all, everyone gets tired from time to time.

However, recently, researchers found that there is definitely something different about the blood of people with CFS. By studying the way blood samples affected electrical currents, scientists were able to accurately identify 20 chronic fatigue patients from healthy controls. This study not only legitimizes the suffering of CFS patients, but may open doors for an effective CFS medication in the future.

Drinking a little coffee is probably okay.

Coffee is a drink beloved by office workaholics and procrastinating students the world over. Yet, many people are afraid of drinking coffee because they fear the potential negative health effects from the caffeine. For most people, however, a little coffee is okay. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is regarded as generally safe for most adults. This is equivalent to roughly eight ounces of coffee, but be aware that other substances can contain caffeine too, such as chocolate and soft drinks.

Yet, many people still think of caffeine as a bandage solution. Besides, caffeine is not always available, and your body may build tolerance over time requiring you to consume more. Know that there are other ways to improve your energy, and never underestimate the power of healthy lifestyle habits.

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Mind Your Mind During Menopause

Menopause is a pivotal point in life. It often coincides with major life milestones, such as retirement and saying good-bye to children as they leave the nest. As a result, it can be both an exciting and stressful time.

When you think of menopause, your first thoughts may be about hot flashes and sleep troubles. But don’t discount the psychological impact either! With menopause comes a number of changes to your body — and to your mental health.

What is menopause?

First, let’s define what menopause is.

Menopause is when you can no longer get pregnant and your menstruation stops permanently. You only officially reach menopause when it’s been a full year since your last period.

Before you can reach menopause, though, you go through the transition period called perimenopause. During this period, hormone levels can start to change. For instance, levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone will start to vary. And this shift typically causes menopause symptoms to happen. Your periods may become irregular, heavier, or lighter.

Symptoms of menopause include:
  • Decreased libido
  • Sleep problems
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
The average American woman reaches menopause by age 52, but the range can be between ages 45 and 58. Your age of menopause may be similar to your mother’s. For managing symptoms such as hot flashes, some women turn to treatments like Evorel, a widely used hormone replacement therapy (HRT) option that helps balance hormone levels during menopause.

Psychological Effects of Menopause

Menopause can be a complicated time. Because your body is making less estrogen and progesterone, menopausal women have a higher risk of developing certain diseases, such as osteoporosis and heart disease.

Mental health is not exempt. Of course, some women may be happy that they no longer have to deal with the inconvenience of periods, or they may enjoy the increased freedom that comes with retirement and independent children. Other women, however, may feel directionless without career and childcare responsibilities, or they may struggle with a lower libido.

Menopause and Sex

It’s true that menopause has a large impact on your sex life. After all, two main symptoms of menopause are vaginal dryness and a reduced desire to have sex.

While these changes don’t sound fun at all, don’t throw in the towel just yet! The following tips may help you maintain a healthy sex life:
  • Be patient. Allow more time to warm up. Arousal helps lubricate your tissues, so don’t rush through the initial stages of sexual activity.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol, and quit smoking. These substances can inhibit your sexual response. Cigarettes can also reduce blood flow to your genitals.
  • Keep active — this includes having sex more often! Exercise boosts mood and energy, and regular sexual activity can help maintain a healthy blood flow to the vagina.
  • Use lubrication. Lubrication products can make sex more comfortable for you and your partner.
  • Practise safer sex. Even though you can’t get pregnant anymore, you can still catch sexually transmitted infections. A drier, thinner, and more delicate vagina can also mean a higher risk of infection if injury happens.
Finally, don’t be afraid to discuss sexual problems with your doctor. While often seen as a very private matter, sexual health is an important component of overall physical and mental health. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you’re doomed to an unsatisfactory sex life. Doctors are trained and willing to help you have a satisfying one.

If vaginal dryness is a more serious issue, your doctor may prescribe you medication like Vagifem® (estradiol). You can access cheap Vagifem® online through international and Canadian pharmacy referral services. These places connect American patients with licensed pharmacies outside the U.S. that offer quality drugs at reduced prices.

Menopause, Body Image, and Health

Another impact menopause has on your body is weight gain. On average, women who gain weight after menopause gain about five pounds. This can be distressing, but remember that weight gain is part of the aging process for many people. It’s just one side effect from your metabolism slowing down as you age.

To help you feel and look good, keep in mind the following tips:
  • Eat a healthful diet. Older people often don’t need as many calories as their younger counterparts, so try gradually reducing the amount of food you eat. To preserve enjoyment of food, try using smaller plates and practice mindful eating.
  • Ask about supplements. Older women may be at higher risk for certain diseases if they are low on certain nutrients. Ask your doctor whether supplementary vitamin D and calcium would benefit you.
  • Stay active. Physical activity doesn’t need to be intense. You can still benefit from 10-minute bouts of exercise. As an older person, you may also feel better doing low-impact exercises like water aerobics, swimming, and cycling, as they put less pressure on your joints.
  • Stay up-to-date on health screenings. Make sure you get the appropriate health screenings for your age, such as mammograms and height measurements to monitor bone loss.

Some women find that hormone replacement therapies, like Evorel patches, can assist with balancing hormones, which may indirectly support mood and energy levels. Maintaining these aspects of well-being can help you feel more confident as you navigate the physical and emotional changes that menopause brings.

At the end of the day, try your best to enjoy the positive aspects of this stage in your life! If you are about to retire or have recently retired, plan trips to places you’ve always wanted to explore, whether it’s within your town or across the ocean. If your children are independent, fill up that extra time with volunteering, hobbies, or learning a new skill. Menopause is your oyster!

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Monday, April 29, 2019

3 Easy Steps to Grow Your Healthcare Business

The reason for the existence of most healthcare businesses is to: take care of patients, and generate revenue. If you are in the healthcare industry, there is a need to grow just like any other business.

However, this does not come automatically and you have to put in some effort. Here are the three things you could do that would increase the customer base of your healthcare business.

1. Use Technology

If you look around, you will notice that all healthcare facilities with regular attendees have one thing in common: they are not afraid to automate their workspace. Why do clients prefer working with companies that use technology? Well, it is pretty simple. The process is faster and more effective. No one wants to wait all day to be helped.

Adopting technologies like the EHR software will help you handle patient data. Instead of the patients being forced to make their way to your clinic or make phone calls to make appointments, they have the option of scheduling their appointments online.

Technology has proven to be a useful tool for enhancing customer experience and satisfaction.

2. Have a Positive Social Media Presence

This is yet another way that technology comes in handy. Social media platforms are excellent marketing tools that allow you to interact with potential clients. It offers a platform for you to communicate with your clients, post updates and let your patients give you feedback and support.

A positive social media presence will help you reach more people and attract traffic to your website.

As you may be well aware, having more traffic means you can have more leads and a higher chance of turning your audience into loyal customers.

3. Meet Your Customers’ Needs

With a positive social media presence on many different social media platforms, nothing should stop you from offering your patients the best customer service you can muster. Engagement with your audience will allow you to pinpoint what your customers’ needs are and the challenges they are facing with your services, which provides you with an opportunity to improve.

As your customer base continues to grow, you need to make your healthcare scalable to accommodate the growing demand. You can consider hiring more staff, acquiring more equipment, and creating more space in your business.

Growing a successful healthcare business can be daunting. Using technology and social media to your advantage will not only facilitate the process, but will be key to the success of your business.

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Friday, April 26, 2019

How to Take Good Care of Your Feet

Your feet take you everywhere you go. A healthy body begins from the feet, so it is essential that we take good care of them. If you notice that your feet are aching after a day’s work, you are suffering from infections such as athlete’s foot, or you just want to take better care of your feet, here are a few ways to do so. 

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Wash Often

How often do you really wash your feet - and be honest? Many people allow water to run over their fee but don’t actually take the time to wash them. You should be washing them each day with soap and water. A foot spa is not the way to do it, though, as soaking them for too long will actually strip the natural oils from the skin, leaving them dry.

Dry Them Properly

When you wash your feet, you need to make sure they are fully dry before dressing. If you do often find yourself with fungal infections, this could be why. When drying your feet, take extra care with your feet and ensure that you get in between those toes.


If your face is dry, you moisturize it right? So why do so many of us neglect our feet? Apply moisturizer all over the foot if it is dry, each day. If you have any hard bits, called calluses, you can purchase a foot file to get rid of this. Although it may feel slightly unpleasant, leaving it there could cause other problems down the line.

Cut Those Nails

To minimize the risks of an ingrown toenail, cut your nails often and in a straight line. Never cut down your nail’s edges or at an angle. Trimming regularly ensures that you are comfortable in your shoes and keeps your toes clean.

Shop for Shoes in The Afternoon

This may sound like a strange one, but your feet naturally swell through the day. If shoes fit properly in the afternoon, you know they will be the most comfortable. If you are finding your shoes uncomfortable, it may be worth purchasing an insole. There are insoles for work shoes, dress shoes, and running shoes, but carry the best insoles for every occasion.

Limit Your Time in Heels

Heels cause all kinds of problems for your feet, back, and posture. If you do enjoy wearing heels, its important that you limit your time spent in them. Varying the heel height can also aid in minimizing damage. If you often wear heels that are above 5 cm, you could be damaging your feet and posture and later in life, this can cause many issues. Your heels change how you stand, therefore, misalign your joints over time, causing arthritis and other conditions.

Your feet go through some tough times, so we should always take good care of them. They help you get from A to B, are the reason you finished that marathon, and they helped you through your wedding dance, so help them by following the above tips.

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11 Tips for Running and Racing in the Summer Heat

While the longer days of spring and summer might offer you more hours in which you can find time to run, the heat that accompanies this sunny season can also make running sweatier and more fatiguing. Keep yourself safe, healthy, and running injury-free with these 11 important tips:
  1. Run in cooler environments - dark asphalt literally absorbs and radiates heat which can make your summer run feel even hotter. Waterways, on the other hand, like lakes, rivers, and streams often generate a cooler, breezier local environment that feels nice to run beside as do trails and parks that offer plenty of tree canopy to cover you.

  2. Keep your clothing light and bright - don’t wear dark, heavy workout clothes (ahem, no cotton) that will absorb the sun’s heat and your sweat. Opt for loose lightweight running clothes instead; loose clothes can allow cooling breezes through and bright colors will reflect the sun’s heat and wick away moisture (think materials like Lycra and polyester).  

  3.  Hydrate smarter - forgetting to consume fluids throughout the day and then chugging a glass of water before you head out on your run won’t do you much good, especially when you are sweating upwards of 0.8 and 1.4 liters each hour. Make sure to drink water throughout the day, and take a portable water source with you (like a Camelbak) if your run outside in the sun is going to last longer than 45 minutes or an hour.

  4. Slow down - your internal body temperature increases as you generate more heat with your movements during running and it simply isn’t as efficient out in 85-degree weather as it would be in 55-degree weather. If you are running in scorching temps, slow down when necessary to prevent symptoms of overheating like nausea, lightheadedness, and confusion.

  5. Wear sun protection - want to hear a shocking statistic? Close to 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime. When running in the sun, make sure to safeguard your skin against harmful ultraviolet rays by wearing sunblock SPF 30 or higher in addition to protective clothing (mesh running hat, sunglasses, etc).

  6. Cool off before your run - lower your body temperature prior to your run by sipping on icy beverages, sitting in air conditioning, or wearing cold wraps. Research suggests that precooling in the hour before a run can enhance endurance performance in hotter climates.

  7. Update your running brace - if you wear an orthopedic aid to help stabilize critical joints like your knee or ankle while you run, you’ll want to make sure your summer miles are logged in a brace that won’t absorb all your sweat and become smelly. The best knee brace for running will be made of a lightweight breathable material like neoprene that is flexible but strong enough to adequately support your movements.

  8. Don’t shy away from cross-training - if you are training for a race like a 10K, half-marathon, or even an ultra, cross-training will play an important role in your weekly exercise routine (and it can provide a nice respite from the sun). Complement your weekly running miles with indoor yoga, swimming, or a cool indoor spin class.

  9. Freeze your water - few things taste worse than drinking hot water out of the bottle you brought with you on your run. Make your water breaks way more refreshing by freezing your water bottle, backpack, or belt before you head outside. It will melt as you log miles and then be a crisp cool treat once you stop for a sip.

  10. Run when it is cool out - keep an eye on the forecast with weather apps like DarkSky or Plan your runs accordingly so that you are heading out during the coolest parts of the day, like early morning or mid-morning. If you would rather run after work in the evening, consider taking your trek indoors so you’re not battling the heat with each stride.

  11. Use the wind to your advantage - if you can gauge wind direction (or use an app to look it up), you may be able to help yourself stay cooler on your run. Since your body only continues to heat up as you jog, coordinate your route so that you are running against the wind on the second half of your journey. A little added wind resistance won’t seem so bad when it’s the same breeze cooling you off.
Don’t let your running schedule lag behind because you think it’s too hot to get out during the summer. Be smart about knowing the outdoor temperature ahead of time, plan a thoughtful route, wear appropriate clothing, and stay hydrated!

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Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Importance of Physical Therapy for your Health

Physical therapy is vital when it comes to illnesses or injuries that limit your everyday ability to move or function. Engaging in a physical therapy plan will help you regain your lifestyle including the activities you once enjoyed before the injury. Your doctor will refer you to a physical therapist to help you manage your joint or tissue problem. The importance of physiotherapy involves the following.

Physical Check and Diagnosis

After filling your private details and giving relevant information concerning your health, an osteopath will take your medical history whereby you will answer some of his questions. The questions might involve your experiences such as accidents, trauma and so on. Afterward, your osteopath will perform a thorough physical check to diagnose your condition and explain to you the methods he/she will use in the treatment of your situation. Importantly, know the benefits and possible risks of methods or treatment your osteopath will use. After an agreement, the osteopath will discuss the exercises, and follow-ups to help in your condition during the sessions.

Treating Injuries

Myotherapists use massage therapy and advise you on home exercises to get the full experience in the treatment plan. Even a minor injury can sometimes affect your daily activities by limiting your movement, making it unbearable, and lowering your life quality. These minor injuries should not limit your functionality. Myotherapy will help assess, treat, or manage your health issues like muscular and joint pains, strains, migraines and many more. Qualified health physicians will also offer you pain relief techniques consisting of deep tissue massage, corrective exercises, dry needling and so on.

Importance of an Osteopath for a bike fit

First, seeking help from professionals with knowledge of biomechanics and injuries related to cycling is a significant factor. A whole approach to injury gives an exceptional ability when it comes to fitting a bike to an individual, especially when you undergo musculoskeletal screening and basic case history for mobility assessment, cycling goals, and flexibility. To identify the pain areas, speed or other issues with your Osteopathy, Myotherapy, Clinical Pilates and Bike Fit, you will cycle on your bike or wind trainer to determine your current position. Your osteopath will assist you in improving muscle imbalances and other issues restricting cycling by taking measurements to learn your bike setup. Changing and reassessing your bike position will involve changing your seat height, seat position, cleat position, and so on to adjust your movements and posture.

Pre and Post Pregnancy Pilates

Clinical Pilates involves a complete clinical evaluation by an Osteopath, a Physiotherapist or Physiologist skilled in Clinical Pilates. During an assessment, your body will undergo a tailored program and a real-time ultrasound to visualize, measure, and activate your essential muscles.

Clinical Pilates is a safe method of exercises for each pregnancy phase involving a complete postural and strength evaluation such as abdominal ultrasound of the pelvic floor and the core muscle. In pregnancy, Clinical Pilates will promote your pelvis stability, strengthen your deep muscles, improve pelvic floor strength, and reduce your back-related pain. All these exercises will lead to safe delivery and post pregnancy recovery.


If you experience any pain that doesn’t let you function normally, a physiotherapist will go through your history to treat or manage your pain after diagnosing your problem. A Myotherapists or an Osteopath will strengthen your muscles and improve its function. 

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Walking to Workout

Exercise is one of the most fairly understood activities that people know will benefit their health. It has a widespread and positive impact not just on physical health, but mental and emotional well-being too. In addition to supporting a healthy weight and combating lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and heart disease, exercise has also been shown to improve memory and thinking skills which is especially important for older adults who are at a higher risk of developing dementia.

Common Barriers to Exercise for Older Adults

Unfortunately, most older adults don’t get the recommended amount of exercise each week including 150 minutes minimum of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes minimum of vigorous-intensity physical activity. Some estimates show that upwards of over half of all adults over the age of 64 don’t exercise regularly.

While seniors are knowledgeable of the impact regular exercise can have on their health,  barriers still prevent them from moving more including:
  •     Lack of interest
  •     Perceived lack of fitness
  •     Joint pain
  •     Shortness of breath
  •     Doubt in the efficacy of exercise
  •     Reduced energy levels
  •     Fear of falling
  •     Limited access to a gym, safe walking areas, etc.
Because of its low-impact nature and lack of special requirements (anyone can do it, no equipment needed), walking can provide the exercise solution older adults need to sit less and move more.

Overcoming Exercise Shortfalls with Walking

Walking is quite possibly one of the easiest and most accessible ways to get exercise, however, it can be daunting for someone who is recovering from a fall or already experiences mobility limitations that require the use of a walking aid. Walking also may not “feel” like exercise so people forgo it all together for inactivity instead.

Benefits of walking include enhanced aerobic capacity, improved muscle tone and bone density, increased lung capacity, and better balance, coordination, and agility skills. In one study, walking one mile a day was even shown to reduce dementia risk by 50 percent! Plus, walking with other people incorporates a social component that helps combat social isolation and depression which is prevalent among some older populations.
  • Lose your breath - walking will offer the greatest health benefits when it’s done at a moderate-intensity in which you experience an increased heart rate and heavier breathing and, in turn, run out of breath while you are talking to your walking mate, for example. The easiest way to add enough challenge to your walk to make it more effective is to gradually increase your speed and/or incorporate more inclines into your walking route.
  • Be prepared - you are going to be willing to push yourself further in your walk if you are prepared with the right gear to help you succeed. A good pair of walking shoes should fit well (but not too snugly) and not be worn out. Lightweight, breathable walking clothes are ideal as is a travel-friendly walking aid like a collapsible cane or travel walker (for seniors with mobility limitations and fear of falling).
  • Find interesting environments to walk in - the local botanical gardens, a walking trail around a nearby lake, in the park, at the mall, on a treadmill in the gym . . . the number of places you can go for a walk are plentiful and can add fun and variety to your exercise routine.
  • Bring a buddy - exercise partners can play an important role in both holding you accountable to your walking routine as well as providing motivation and encouragement. Research has shown that a person who spends most of their time with people who share similar values about their health and fitness will make better decisions about their own health and fitness accordingly.
  • Add in sprints - no you don’t have to take off like it’s the 100-meter dash at the Olympics, but adding in short sprints of high-intensity activity could increase the calorie-burn and muscle-build of your walk. 10 squats or lunges every 5 or 10 minutes of your walk or doing 1 minute of jumping jacks at the beginning and end of your walk are good places to start.
  • Incorporate more walking into your day - there are simple ways to get more steps in during the day including parking further away from your destinations so you have to walk further to the door, taking stairs instead of elevators, and walking short distances instead of driving, i.e. to a neighbor’s house or the store.
Exercise Ideas Outside of Walking

For some seniors, walking fast enough to get your heart rate up simply isn’t feasible due to chronic lower-limb pain like you see with diabetic neuropathy or other disability or dysfunction like bad arthritis. Fortunately, there are other physical activities that are just as low-impact and still effective including water aerobics, seated exercises with upper body aerobics, resistance band workouts, and hand pedal exercising.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Healthy Office Snacks Vs. Unhealthy: What’s The Difference?

With the fast-paced lifestyle most people have today, it’s hard to maintain good health. Many people resort to eating junk food for snacks or meals with very high fat or sugar content, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, and lifestyle diseases. But what makes a healthy and unhealthy office snack?

In this post, you’ll learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy office snacks. By doing so, you’ll learn healthy snack options and make healthy food choices.

Nutritional Value

Snacking helps meet your daily energy needs. However, many people snack on foods with high calories but low nutrient levels. It’s important to consider checking the nutritional value of your snacks to avoid obesity and other medical problems. Unhealthy snacks have high calorie content, fat, or salt, which leads to diabetes, hypertension, weight gain, and other health issues.

Here are the nutrients you need to look for in a healthy snack:
  • A healthy snack contains protein, fiber, and healthy fat, such as those found in SnackNation healthy snacks. A protein bar may contain these three nutrients. It helps in stabilizing your blood sugar levels to keep your cravings at bay. On the other hand, unhealthy snacks include trans fat, which is commonly found in pastries, fried pies, crackers, cookies, and pizza dough. It is created during food processing, and no amount of trans fat is considered healthy. 
  • Fresh whole produce, like fruits and vegetables, is highly recommended. You can bring an apple, orange, or banana in the workplace and get a boost of vitamins and minerals you need to improve your focus and increase your energy. Nuts, legumes, and whole grains are healthy choices, too.
Physical and Psychological Effects

The working population is comprised of young professionals, middle-aged adults, and even those approaching their retirement years. That’s why Upskilled Aged Care Courses can help you gain the knowledge and skills needed to ensure you provide healthy snacks to your family, most especially to hard-working dads or aging CEO grandparents.

Healthy snacking should be practiced as early as possible to avoid the risk of developing chronic diseases related to poor nutrition or unhealthy eating practices. Also, healthy snacking helps you feel good about yourself, promoting a more positive life perspective because you know you’re living a healthy life. 

Here are the negative effects of unhealthy snacks:
  • Stroke or Heart Disease: Increased blood pressure and elevated blood cholesterol are risk factors for stroke and heart disease, like peripheral arterial disease. Fried foods are high in trans fats, which raise LDL or bad cholesterol levels.
  • Insulin Resistance: Eating unhealthy snacks can lead to insulin spikes, leading to type 2 diabetes.
  • Dental Health Problems: The sugar and carbs in fast food produce high amounts of acid, which can damage the tooth enamel, leading to dental cavities.
  • Bloating or Water Retention: Eating foods with high sodium content leads to water retention, which makes you feel bloated and swollen.
  • Weight Gain: Unhealthy snacking leads to unintentional weight gain when underestimating the caloric content of unhealthy foods.
  • Depression: Research shows that eating processed food and fast food affects how a person thinks. That’s why unhealthy snacking increases the risk of depression.  

Cost-Effectiveness and Productivity

Healthy snacks are affordable, and consciously knowing that you’re eating healthy prevents the uncontrolled or impulsive buying of unhealthy snacks. Proper food management and family health education help you cut the expenses on your groceries, like buying too many junk foods and processed foods. Also, healthy snacking in the workplace helps reduce the rate of absenteeism due to sickness.

Here are some ways healthy snacking can help promote workplace productivity:
  • Employees feel healthier to go to work as they are refreshed, energized, and ready to start the day. Eating healthy snacks improves concentration and boosts energy, with the vitamins and minerals as well as other nutrients required by the body and mind to function correctly.
  • Unhealthy snacks have excessively high carbohydrates and low fiber, leading to sleepiness and sluggishness, causing slow production and bad decision-making. On the other hand, healthy snacks make you feel full for a more extended period without these negative effects.
  • Encourage other employees to practice healthy snacking, promoting a more positive, healthy, and happier workplace for everyone.

Healthy snacks help you meet your daily nutrient requirements along with the major meals you eat. Healthy snacking is essential to stabilize your blood sugar levels, regulate hormones, blood pressure, and promote your overall well-being. Choosing the food you eat wisely also plays a vital role in performing your daily activities and work productivity for a successful career and a better quality of life.

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Friday, April 12, 2019

What are the benefits of IV therapy?

IV therapy is actually less than 100 years old, although it was known as long ago as the 17th century that injecting medication directly into veins was possible.

Unfortunately, the medicine of that day did not make it possible to actually deliver medication this way.

Today, it’s a different story.

What Is IV Therapy?

IV therapy is simply placing a needle directly into a vein for the purposes of delivering medication, nutrients, and vitamins. It is used extensively in hospitals to supply these essential compounds without the need to consume food. This ensures the nutrients are immediately available to your body.

Today it’s not just medical emergencies that qualify for IV therapy. You can also have an array of supplements introduced directly into your bloodstream in order to improve your health, wellbeing, and longevity.

Of course, if you’re considering this as an option you must choose a reputable practice, such as this IV therapy Sydney.

The Benefits Of IV Therapy

There are several benefits to using IV therapy:

•    Speed

The process of introducing nutrients to your body this way is surprisingly fast. Your doctor will find the appropriate vein, slide the needle in, and within moments you’ll be receiving the nutrients.
In addition, because they are going straight into your bloodstream your body will be able to use the nutrients faster; improving their effectiveness.

•    Improved Wellness

By providing you with all the nutrients you need, IV therapy can actually help you to improve the wellness of your body, physically and mentally.

This isn’t a substitute for eating but it can make sure you have a well-rounded diet and your body has everything it needs to function at its best.

•    Enhanced Appearance of Skin

Nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants can all help to keep your skin looking and feeling young. BY administering these compounds through IV therapy your doctor can ensure that you have the right amount to maximize your health. This includes the appearance of your skin.

Skin that is full and healthy will look younger and help you to feel younger, no matter how old you are.

•    Improved Performance

Exercise depletes your energy sources and nutrient levels. In order to repair your muscles and perform better on your next workout, you need to make sure you get all the relevant minerals and nutrition. In fact, an IV drip with amino acids will encourage the production of protein in your body. In turn, this will improve your recovery time, allowing your muscles to grow stronger and heal faster.
IV therapy can give you this. But, it can also help to flush toxins from your body; these build up every time you exercise, flushing them out is important if you want to stay in top health and improve your fitness.

•    Reduce The Hangover Effect

Alcohol dehydrates you, this is the main reason you suffer from headaches and muscle ache after a good night out. IV therapy is the fastest way to rehydrate and get rid of the hangover effect. That’s a good incentive in itself to try this therapy!

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Thursday, April 11, 2019

How to Prepare Yourself for Surgery

No matter what type of surgery you’re going to have, there are certain things you can and need to do in order to prepare for it. Of course, you’ll receive some kind of anesthesia, but being well prepared will increase the chances of having a successful surgery and recovering well. With that in mind, here’s what you can do to prepare yourself for your surgery.

Educate yourself
First thing’s first, you need to do your research. Of course, no matter how much you know about the surgery, you might still be a little bit afraid. After all, every surgery carries some risks, but you’re less likely to be anxious about it if you know everything there is to know about the surgery. So, take the time to get informed – just make sure to do so from reputable sources.

Ask many questions

You probably have more than a few questions about your surgery, which is completely normal and expected. Therefore, don’t hesitate to get them answered. Some answers you can find online, but you should always be able to talk to your doctor about anything that bothers you. Don’t forget that your doctor and the rest of the health care team are all there to assist you, so take advantage of that opportunity and ask them everything you don’t know about the surgery. For example, if you’re preparing for a brain or spine surgery in the Land Down Under, you can consult Dr Timothy Steel, a professional neurosurgeon who’d gladly answer all your questions.

Be as healthy as you can be
Spend the time before your surgery to increase your health as much as you can. This means that you should exercise a bit more, eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep at night, etc. If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking at least a day or two before the surgery – smoking can cause respiratory issues, and it can make the recovery much more difficult.

Avoid shaving or waxing
Many people think that they should shave before the surgery; we all brush our teeth before visiting the dentist, so it’s only logical that we should remove all the hair when having surgery, right? Wrong. By doing so, you could nick your skin or make it more sensitive, which could increase the risk of getting an infection. If anything needs to be shaved, it will be done at the hospital, so don’t worry about it. If you are still uncomfortable about it, you can always trim the area in question with scissors, just make sure not to damage the skin.

Try breathing exercises
Focusing on your breath when under stress can help you calm down. As mentioned, no matter how much you know about the surgery, or how many times you talk to your doctor, you may still feel some anxiety about the procedure. Breathing exercises can be useful during those times, so start practicing them a few days before the surgery to help you put your mind at ease.

Prepare for recovery 
No matter what kind of surgery you’re preparing for, you’ll also have to go through a post-operative recovery period – and prepare for it, as well. Knowing what to expect after surgery and how you’ll be recovering can also help you feel more comfortable. It’s also important to know what to expect in case you’ve had any plans for the period after the surgery, so you can adjust your schedule accordingly.

Avoid surprise medical bills
While your physical and mental health is a priority, you should also make sure that there won’t be any unpleasant financial surprises. Make sure there aren’t any insurance gaps; sometimes, the insurance plan limits the number of physicians allowed in the network. So, always ask who’ll work on your case and whether they are a part of your insurance plan. You can also call your insurance company to verify that everything is covered.

Having surgery is not to be taken lightly, but there are many ways to de-stress and increase the chances of success. So, consider the listed tips, and don’t hesitate to talk to your doctors. Do whatever you can to improve your health before – and after – the surgery, and there’ll be nothing for you to worry about.

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Benefits Of Entering The Nursing Industry As A Career

If you’ll be entering college soon and you’re planning on getting a degree related to healthcare, you might consider nursing as one of your choices. The nursing industry has always been famous for being a career that is very flexible in terms of career paths as well as being a high-paying job. Here are the benefits of entering the nursing industry to convince you to pursue it:

1.    Career growth

Some career professionals would come to the point that they are stuck in the same position for very long years without advancing in the career ladder. This is one of the reasons why some employees leave their respective fields and venture into a new one.

Once you’ve completed your nursing degree in an educational institution like Rutgers University, you’ll get into an entry-level position and expect that you’ll soon be climbing up the chain of command, especially if you choose to work in the hospital. You’ll soon become a team leader, and if you are willing to take some management courses, you’ll have the possibility to climb up in the management team and have the opportunity to work with the board.

2.    A wide range of opportunities

Being in the nursing industry doesn’t restrict you from working in the corners of the hospital. Nursing professionals have a wide range of opportunities to choose from. If you’re looking for other job areas, here are some fields that you can explore:

●    Legal medicine
●    Teaching opportunities in the academe
●    School or company clinics
●    Private nursing
●    Military

Not only that, a career in the nursing industry will open up other opportunities not just locally, but also abroad. If you’re planning to move out of your place, it’s quite easy for nursing graduates to obtain overseas employment because there are higher demands for this kind of job in almost all countries.

Moreover, most governments are now prioritizing healthcare in their national program. This means that there will be more positions to be created in the future. Thus, there will be enough supply of job opportunities for nursing graduates.

3.    High-income earnings
The nursing industry has always been in the list of careers most people would like to enter into. The main reason that there is a high turnover of young people going to in this industry is that it pays very well.

Most nursing positions are permanent positions, so you don’t have to worry about switching jobs from time to time. Moreover, aside from the competitive salary that comes with the position, there are also other benefits depending on the employer that will hire you.

4.    Flexible working hours

You might think that if you work in the hospital, the environment is very toxic and you’ll spend long hours of your duty. Although that’s true, the good thing about it is that you’re not stuck in the typical 8 AM to 5 PM working hours.

Expect that you’ll be in a rotating shift. Sometimes, you’ll work in the day, and there will be times you’ll be in a graveyard shift. However, the flexibility in working hours will allow you to manage your time and tasks outside work better compared to the limitations you have with fixed working hours.

Not only that, but you also have an option to extend your hours of duty, especially if there are limited nurses on duty or there’s too much workload in the entire hospital unit. Some employers are willing to pay more if you’re willing to work more hours outside your shift, which means you’ll get a higher take-home pay.

5.    Continuous learning

In the era of modern technology, healthcare has never been better because of the discoveries and inventions that will help healthcare professionals deliver better treatment services to the patients. Not only doctors should be updated to the medical breakthroughs, but nurses as well.

If you go into the nursing industry, make sure you’re enthusiastic since there are a lot of learning opportunities in store for you. Your employer may sponsor your attendance in training and workshops. You can also invest some of your savings so that you’ll remain competitive in the industry. This will help you land in a better position if you aspire of being successful in the nursing industry.

6.    Self-fulfillment

Most people would like a job that earns money but also helps other people. The nursing industry will give you the best of both worlds. Nursing is a noble profession, and if you have that dedication of doing good to others, this might be the perfect job for you.

Final Thoughts

A career in nursing is more than a high-paying job. There are a lot of benefits for people who want to go into the nursing industry. Career growth, extensive opportunities, continuous learning and helping other people are just some good reasons why you should pursue a nursing career.

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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Metro Vascular Centers: Treatment Expertise and Excellence for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Metro Vascular Centers have two locations, one in Fort Hills (Queens), New York and one in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Their team of award-winning physicians encompasses six doctors, each of which brings a rich background of expertise to the practice. Metro Vascular Centers specializes in treatment for patients who are suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD) as well as other endovascular conditions. The centers address patient’s peripheral arterial disease, vascular, and deep vein needs by means of state of the art equipment that enables them to offer effective, safe, and minimally invasive arterial procedures.

The vascular system, often referred to as the circulatory system, is a network of veins and arteries that ensure that the body’s organs have a continuous supply of oxygenated blood. While arteries transport oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and to the organs, the veins carry oxygen-poor blood and waste products back to the heart. Given their central role within the body, it is therefore crucial that both veins and arteries remain intact and free from any obstructions that could be in the way of the body’s organs receiving oxygenated blood or blocking blood flow as it returns to the heart to be re-oxygenated. However, any of such conditions, also referred to as vascular diseases, can be both common and dangerous.

Peripheral arterial disease specifically is triggered by deposits of cholesterol and by the buildup of fat on the inside walls of the arteries that carry blood to and from the arm and leg muscles and the organs. Despite the fact that only half of those who suffer from PAD have symptoms, its identification remains important as may be an indicator for future heart diseases. In fact, those who suffer from PAD are 3 times more likely to die from strokes or heart attacks. Among those who do show symptoms, these include cramping or pain in the limbs that are caused by physical activity, foot ulcers, infections, and gangrene.

Metro Vascular Centers offers several treatment options that can effectively address and treat PAD with a main focus being on the reduction of symptoms, improving mobility and ultimately the quality of life. As such, this includes prevention of strokes, heart attacks, and amputation.
Metro Vascular Centers offers free consultations for individuals who believe they may have or have previously been diagnosed with PAD. The initial visit consists of a number of non-surgical diagnostic procedures aimed to determine the best treatment approach. Metro Vascular Centers’ team evaluates each patient carefully and curates an individualized treatment plan based on the causes and symptoms of PAD.

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Thursday, April 04, 2019

8 Innovative Ways to Practice Better Posture

You may think that an occasional bout of back or neck pain might be the worst effect you experience as a result of bad posture. Turns out, however, that slouched and slumped sitting can impact so many more systems in your body. Poor posture has been shown to:

●    Diminish respiratory capacity and potentially cause breathing disorders
●    Slow down your intestinal motility, specifically the internal transit of gas
●    Increase the stress on your spine which can contribute to long-term damage and chronic pain
●    Reduce blood circulation to areas cut off by pressure, i.e. the legs and feet when you cross your legs
●    Zap energy levels

Say Goodbye to Bad Posture
In addition to the typical recommendations of stretching, exercising, and practicing better balance to improve your posture, you might want to try these 8 innovative ideas:

Weight lifting
Oftentimes poor posture is simply the result of muscle imbalances in the chest and back. An extra strong yet tight chest, for example, might outweigh a weak upper back and pull the shoulders forward more than they should go. Strategic strength training can address this harmful tug and pull by reinforcing key muscle groups that promote good postures like the trapezius and latissimus dorsi.

Wear ‘Smart’ Pajamas
Data generating ‘smart’ pajamas have been created by researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. They are designed to measure key health metrics that might influence sleep quality and quantity including sleep posture and heart and respiratory signals. Self-powered sensors inside the pajamas can measure the pressure of the body against the bed, helping to calculate the types of postures a sleeper may be assuming. While not commercially available yet, they could be in the next one to two years.

Manage Stress
Stress has this clever way of manifesting itself physically in the body through tight, tense muscles and headaches. Stress can also lead to negative lifestyle behaviors like forgoing exercise, eating junk food, and drinking too much alcohol. All of these add up to bad posture habits that can be hard to break! Nip stress in the bud with useful techniques like practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, walking in nature, coloring, getting a massage, and aromatherapy.

Brace It
Need a little extra posture reinforcement? A discreet and flexible posture brace that you wear throughout the day can actually help correct poor posture and provide much-needed support to your back and shoulders. Make sure to look for a posture brace that is adjustable, easy to put on and take off, and features padding for added comfort.

Use an App
More and more mobile apps are being designed to address the poor posture habits that permeate the wider population. Whether it’s an indicator on your laptop that lets you know when you’re dropping your head or a notification on your smartphone that alerts you when you’re slumping, the ability for software to assist your personal health goals has come leaps and bounds in the last 25 years. Start with wearable tech like “Lumo Back” or apps like Perfect Posture Workout.

Address Pain
If you are caught in the vicious cycle of back pain which leads to poor posture which leads to more back pain, it’s time to find a solution. Spinal manipulative therapy like you might receive with a visit to the chiropractor or physical therapist has been shown to have the same positive impact on low back pain as recommended therapies like taking pain killers and NSAIDS. In fact, a 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis published in The BMJ found that spinal manipulative therapy was even better than non-recommended pain interventions when it came to improving short-term function.

Move More
Your answer to the sitting plague at work might be utilizing a standing desk, however, research indicates that standing in one place with the same poor posture isn’t the answer. Instead, experts recommend simply moving more throughout the day, not just when you go workout. 10 squats every hour on the hour, walking during your lunch break, a mini yoga session before you start the day, lunges when you empty the dryer . . . the ideas are endless.

Sit Better
The average person simply can’t avoid sitting at some point during the day so why not learn how to do it correctly? Firstly, experts recommend never crossing your legs. Not only does crossing your legs inhibit proper blood and fluid circulation in your body but it also shifts the balance of your hips and throws your spine out of alignment. Research has also shown that sitting like our ancient ancestors once did could be the trick to better form. Instead of forming a “c” with your back when you sit down, bend at the hips as you lower to the seat, keeping your bottom untucked and your back straight.

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Friday, March 29, 2019

Hangover Cure and Tips That Work

Dо уоu еnjоу gоіng оut wіth frіеndѕ аnd hаvіng drіnkѕ fоr a fеw nights, but уоu juѕt саn nоt hаndlе thе hangover thе nеxt morning? Arе уоu tired оf experiencing thе after-effects оf nіght оr dау оf hеаvу аlсоhоl use? Cаn уоu feel уоur eyes hurt? Hоw аbоut уоur hеаd аnd уоur bоdу? Dіd уоu fееl lіkе уоu wеrе рullеd іntо a wаr? Wеll, іf thеѕе аrе whаt уоu аrе suffering frоm, уоu аrе undеr excessive dеhуdrаtіоn whісh іѕ, mоrе оftеn thаn nоt, caused bу уоur еxсеѕѕіvе alcohol соnѕumрtіоn.

Hоwеvеr, thеrе іѕ ѕtіll gооd news! Thеrе аrе Hangover cure IV аnd tірѕ thаt wоrk bеѕt fоr аll tуреѕ оf hаngоvеrѕ.

A hаngоvеr іѕ a consequence оf a severe lack оf mоіѕturе caused bу аlсоhоl. Alсоhоl іѕ a dіurеtіс thаt саuѕеѕ dеhуdrаtіоn. Thіѕ dehydration саn bе responsible fоr thе оссurrеnсе оf dіzzіnеѕѕ, nausea, headaches, vоmіtіng, increased ѕеnѕіtіvіtу tо light аnd nоіѕе, gеnеrаl bоdу weakness аnd tiredness.

Thеѕе аrе thе ѕуmрtоmѕ оf a hаngоvеr thаt уоu wаnt tо overcome.

Thе fоllоwіng аrе ѕоmе hаngоvеr сurеѕ аnd cures thаt уоu саn fоllоw іn оrdеr tо іnѕtаntаnеоuѕlу postpone thе hаngоvеr sensation аnd mаkе уоu feel bеttеr:

•    Hаvе wаtеr therapy. Drinking tоо muсh аnd lоtѕ оf water саn hеlр tо bring dоwn thе dehydration уоu аrе experiencing. Thе wаtеr wіll hеlр rерlеnіѕh thе ѕуѕtеm mаkіng уоu fееl muсh bеttеr аnd mоrе еxсіtеd.
•    Cаrbоhуdrаtеѕ mау аlѕо hеlр. Aѕ wе аll knоw, alcohol саuѕеѕ a drор іn blооd ѕugаr. Cаrbоhуdrаtеѕ саn hеlр асtіvаtе аnd increase blооd ѕugаr іn thе bоdу. Eаtіng bаnаnаѕ саn аlѕо hеlр rеѕtоrе lоѕt blood ѕugаr.
•    Sау nо tо соffее. Yеѕ, соntrаrу tо popular bеlіеfѕ, drіnkіng соffее саn ѕіmрlу іnсrеаѕе уоur dehydration. Coffee іѕ аlѕо knоwn tо bе dіurеtіс thаt'ѕ whу drіnkіng thе nеxt mоrnіng wіll оnlу wоrѕеn уоur hеаlth соndіtіоn.
•    Stау аwау frоm оvеr-thе-соuntеr рrеѕсrірtіоnѕ. Suсh painkillers, ѕuсh аѕ Tуlеnоl, will оnlу іrrіtаtе thе stomach аnd саuѕе dаmаgе tо thе lіvеr. Thеn, аѕ ѕооn аѕ роѕѕіblе, аvоіd such раіnkіllеr medicines.
•    Do not Consume other аlсоhоlіс beverage. Thіѕ іѕ thе worst mеdісіnе fоr a hаngоvеr. Hаvіng аnоthеr drink wіll оnlу mаkе thіngѕ worse.
•    Hаvе a daily intake оf B-соmрlеx vіtаmіnѕ. It appears thаt hospitalized аlсоhоlісѕ аrе аdvіѕеd tо tаkе vіtаmіn B. In fасt, уоu ѕhоuld аlѕо tаkе thіѕ аѕ a hangover cure.
•    Mоrе іmроrtаntlу, mаkе uѕе оf thе B-Fore hangover рrеvеntіоn раtсh. Wіth thіѕ product, уоu саn wаkе uр рrераrеd аnd improved wіthоut thе unрlеаѕаnt hаngоvеr symptoms. Thе B-Fоrе hаngоvеr рrеvеntіоn adhesive іѕ a ѕресіаllу prescribed рrеѕсrірtіоn оf thiamine (B1) instilled іn a small аnd careful dеrmаl patch thаt gluеѕ tо thе bоdу.

Sо уоu hаvе thе bеѕt Hangover cure IV аnd tips thаt уоu саn ѕtаrt tо apply whеn уоu wаkе uр thе nеxt mоrnіng. Wіth thе mentioned tірѕ аnd hаngоvеr сurеѕ, уоu аrе guaranteed tо fееl bеttеr аnd еvеntuаllу rеgаіn уоur body's nоrmаl condition. Thе рrеѕеntеd hаngоvеr сurеѕ wіll аlѕо hеlр рrоtесt уоur hеаlth іn thе lоng run.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tips to Relieve and Prevent Stress

Stress is inevitable today owing to the fast-paced life and changing lifestyles. When you’re constantly juggling home, work, friends and other commitments, it can get too stressful, causing physical and mental difficulties. What you need to understand is that relaxation plays a crucial role in managing stress when your daily routine is so hectic. Taking some time off to unwind and springing back up with energy is the key to managing and preventing stress.

You might think that relaxation essentially means a few days off from work or a lavish spa retreat that will keep stress at bay. While these are amazing ways to unwind and rejuvenate, there are other simple daily things you can do in order to calm your mind and prevent the ill-effects of stress. Let’s find out what can help in relieving and preventing stress on a day-to-day basis.

Meditation - Meditation involves deep breathing and practicing of mindfulness, which aids in fighting negative thinking and anxiety. When you’re at work, simply take a few minutes to close your eyes and think of positive, self-affirming mantras. This will help you stay calm and focus on your work better.

Pets - Playing with pets is usually one of the best stress relieving techniques. According to studies, spending time with pets releases oxytocin, a chemical that is responsible for creating a positive mood. The companionship found in pets also helps in lowering anxiety and making you happy.

Exercise - There are immense benefits of exercise and one of them is relief from mental stress. Studies have shown that people who sweat it out regularly are less prone to anxiety when compared to those who don’t. This is mainly because exercise releases endorphins that uplift your mood and lower your body’s stress hormones, like cortisol. Exercise also helps you sleep better and promotes your overall wellbeing. Exercise need not always be boring. You can go for workouts like dancing, aerobics, yoga and so on.

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Music - Listening to soothing music has a calming effect on the brain and in turn relieves you from stress. It can even lower your blood pressure and heart rate, while lowering the stress hormones. Tune in to your hobbies as well and get in touch with what you really enjoy doing, say, painting, playing your favourite sport, singing, writing and various such activities.

Saying No - A lot of us find it difficult to say ‘No’ when we’re asked to say or do something. But compelling yourself to do something you don’t want to can actually stress you out. So practice the habit of saying ‘No’ when you already have a lot of work at hand. Doing so will cut down unnecessary load and save you from unwanted stress.

Time with Family and Friends - We often tend to underestimate the power of a hearty laugh. Laughing helps relieve tension in your muscles and automatically improves your mood by lowering cortisol and boosting endorphins. Watch your favourite comedy show or hang out with friends/family for a fun evening and see how you instantly feel relaxed. When you have a good network of friends/family, it will give you a feeling of belonging and keep depression away.

Gum Chewing - Now this might sound bizarre but studies have shown that chewing gum can lower your stress and help you relax. It is said that chewing gum forms brain waves that are similar to the brain waves of people who are relaxed. It is also said to enhance blood flow to the brain, thereby promoting your wellbeing. 

Journal - Writing down what you feel is another good way to relieve stress from your body. Maintain one stress journal, where you pass your stress on to the paper and get it out of your body; and one gratitude journal for noting down the ample things you’re grateful for. This helps you focus on the positive things in life and in turn reduce anxiety.

Supplements - There are a number of supplements as well that help in lowering anxiety and stress. Ashwagandha, Lemon balm, Valerian, green tea, Omega-3 fatty acids and Kava kava are some such supplements. However, it’s always best to consult your doctor before you start with supplementation for combating stress.

Well-Balanced Diet and Good Sleep - Feed your body with nutritious food because when you’re healthy and fit, it becomes easier to fight physical and mental stress. Avoid junk food, refined sugars and other such foods that can harm your wellbeing. The quality and amount of sleep is also important to stay relaxed and stress-free. When stress doesn’t let you sleep, practice a few minutes of relaxation/gratitude for calming the mind. You can even read a good book till you fall asleep or take a warm bath before going to bed. Going to bed at the same time everyday also plays a major role in giving you quality sleep.

Timely Breaks - Amidst the busy schedule, we usually tend to work without a break and end up exhausted. This can be very overwhelming, causing unnecessary stress. So make it a point to go easy on yourself and take short breaks between work. Dividing your work into smaller tasks, leaving from home/work at least five to 10 minutes early and slowing down on your daily tasks are some ways in which you can avoid stress.

Talking - An age-old solution to relieving stress and anxiety is to talk your heart out to someone. When you talk to a trusted person, it can help release the tension built in your head or simply distract you from your problems for a while. Positive self-talk is also a good way to reduce anxiety. It can help find solution to your issues and make you see things from a different perspective. 

Decompress - Cover your neck and shoulders with a warm cloth for about 10 minutes, close your eyes and relax. Let your back muscles, neck, upper chest and face relax for a while; then remove the heat wrap and massage your muscles gently with a foam roller or tennis ball for a few seconds.
No Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol - Stimulants like caffeine, alcohol or nicotine only increases your stress levels. Therefore, it’s best to reduce their consumption or avoid them altogether. Make it a point to include more water, natural fruit juices or herbal teas in your diet instead of stimulants like these.

Time Management - Lastly, managing your time well, prioritising your tasks and delegating them can have a great impact on your mind. By doing so, you’re lowering your stress levels and performing your tasks much more efficiently. 

Eating healthy and staying fit plays a major role in the way your body manages every situation. So enjoy some ‘me’ time with delicious, healthy food and drinks from Deliveroo, brought to you at your doorstep! These are some of the best tips for you to overcome and prevent stress from your daily life. Include them in your routine and enjoy a happy, stress-free life.

This is a guest blog posting.

Top Tips for Staying Safe in a Taxi

We put a tremendous amount of trust in a taxi driver whenever we climb into their cab. Whether we are in our hometown or a foreign city we have never been to before, we should always remain vigilant when in a taxi. Here are some top tips to help you keep yourself safe in such a situation.

Know Where You are Going

This one is obviously a little difficult if you are unfamiliar with the place you are in but there are still some precautions you can take. Bring up a map of the local area on your phone and identify some of the local landmarks which you should be passing during your journey.

If you are a local to the city, don’t be afraid to speak out and say something to your taxi driver if they go the wrong way. It could be a genuine mistake, or it could be an attempt to fleece you by taking you a slightly longer route.

Keep Aware

If you feel like a taxi driver is behaving suspiciously towards you, don’t be afraid to phone someone or even fake a phone call if you have no battery. Simply saying, “Yes, I’m just in a cab now,” can be enough to deter a maliciously-minded driver. Likewise, if you are a woman being driven home by a taxi driver who you feel is being overly forward with you, make sure that you do not mention that the address you are going to is your home. Claiming that it belongs to someone else can again act as a deterrent.

You should also follow basic car safety procedure. Always wear your seatbelt; you never know when you will end up in an accident. Read up on how to claim for an accident in a taxi so, in the extremely unlikely event you do end up in a road traffic collision, you know whether or not you could get some compensation.

Only Use Licensed Taxis

You should only hail a taxi from the street if it is a black cab. For any other type of minicab, use an app or phone a taxi office to have a cab come to you. Most reputable companies have a follow-up service where you will receive an automatic SMS with the name of your driver and the registration of the taxi. If you are unsure if the taxi is for you or not, simply open the door and ask who the taxi is for before you get in. If it is your taxi, the driver will be able to tell you the name.

Never Share a Cab with a Stranger

Finally, one of the most important rules of keeping yourself safe in a taxi is to never share a cab with a stranger. You never know who you could be getting into the car with and they could attempt to rob you or worse.

Stay switched on, and don’t relax just because you are in a taxi. Your safety should always be your number one priority.

This is a guest blog post.