Monday, August 21, 2017

Overcoming New Challenges As Old Ones Are Solved

New Ground

As much as technology has proved beneficial, there are instances where it ended up having a negative effect on mental health. The use of the internet has a sedentary characteristic which induces increased levels of adipose tissue over time. Combined with little exercise and artificially designed diet, health tends to slip.

If that weren’t enough, today there are a number of beauty practices and lifestyle choices which fundamentally undermine healthy living. From drug use to alcohol abuse, cigarette addiction, and sexual addiction, the world today is riddled with conditions some may label as synthetic.

It doesn’t stop there, though. As people live lifestyles consumed in synthetic substances both recreationally and subversively, they damage themselves at a genetic level. Unfortunately, sometimes this can trickle down to progeny. There is a reason children today have adverse allergic reactions to seemingly unobtrusive foodstuffs.

There’s a reason why children are born with congenital defects, and disorders affecting mental and physical health have been on the rise for decades. Part of that reason is genetic damage caused by unhealthy living.

Medical Tech

Thankfully, one thing technology is getting right has to do with medical developments which address new and emerging issues. Older problems are being conquered, but the new ones are quick to take their place. Yet with computational technology and political exposure, those issues are swiftly becoming recognized and dealt with.

One way technology is directly exposing adverse conditions is through crowdfunding such as Plumfund, a well-known crowdfunding organization. For over ten years, this organization has been saving those who need to raise money.

Many hospitals and healthcare clinics are leveraging old-world understanding against new world discoveries to synthesize relevant, effective solutions for patients. This is happening across the board; from children’s healthcare to senior healthcare. Sometimes they need additional financial support, and crowdfunding delivers it.

One organization that specializes in overcoming medical treatment challenges—especially as pertains to geriatric care—is Riverside Medical Group; and the why is in how they operate. According to the site: “..we practice a highly focused approach to adult and geriatric care—which means internal medicine patient education is highly important to us. This honest-and-true approach reflects everything we do here.”

Cybernetic Trends

There is an additional trend which has manifested in order to overcome age-old conditions. In a certain way, technology is quickly becoming intrinsic to the human experience. Start with braces, metal that re-shapes your teeth. After braces, sometimes a spacer is left in the bottom teeth.

Vision surgeries are to the point where they actually implant corrective devices. Prosthetics can be mentally manipulated. A gastric bypass can overcome an eating disorder, and plastic surgery can fundamentally transform a person’s physical appearance.

Genetic Manipulation?

Going deeper, research pertaining to human manipulation at the genetic level is producing men and women born entirely unique—by now you’ve likely heard of “test tube babies”.

The issue with such cutting edge technological knowledge is that understanding where it’s going is sometimes impossible. That’s why a medical solution needs to leverage old-world techniques against new-world solutions. Some will be good, some won’t. The right medical institutions won’t institute a new procedure that isn’t tested without expressly defined consent.

As computational technology makes it possible to more swiftly process larger datasets, inferences can be made in medicine, more successful trials can be conducted, and more discoveries can be made. Hopefully things will eventually reach a stabilization point wherein age old medical scourges are solved without introducing even stranger conditions.

Author Bio

Kevin Bennett

Kevin Bennett is a super-connector with who helps businesses with building their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. Kevin frequently writes about the latest advancements in the SaaS world and digital marketing.

4 Medical Trends You Should Be Watching Today

Once upon a time, healthcare involved visiting a doctor who would, with the help of the supporting staff, diagnose you and start surgical or medical treatment. Today, advanced technology has made its way into healthcare, and is gaining popularity in the world of medicine. Technologies such as stem cell and gene manipulation are now a reality, and researchers around the world are using them to achieve remarkable medical results.

Some of the latest healthcare trends are already making big waves. Some of the best hospitals in America are already using medical technologies that are consumer-centric, offering vital information to healthcare customers. Below is a quick snapshot of some of the latest trends in healthcare that are already used or will make a huge impact in the upcoming years.

Online Scheduling And Telehealth

Telehealth involves sharing critical medical information via a mobile health app, and the number of people using this medium is steadily increasing. Telehealth includes video conferencing a physician or virtual chats that eliminate the need to schedule appointments at a hospital or clinic.

Collaborating technology with healthcare is a process that started in earnest a few years ago with the sudden increase with mobile health apps. While the process is still ongoing, it is expected to improve public health, increase patient awareness and education through online resources like Corpina, and support healthcare services in the country.

At the same time, organizations in the healthcare niche are rapidly moving towards implementing online scheduling services. This means that patients will have the capability to make appointments with doctors via the internet. In fact, 42 percent of patients prefer making appointments online rather than scheduling over the phone.

Wearable Technologies And Software Platforms

Apart from the software platforms already on the market, new products are likely to revolutionize how the medical world operates. Such software platforms are usually available in mobile and desktop health apps, taking away some of the major roles doctors play. For example, using mobile apps, people can track calorie intake and find out whether they are at risk of health conditions related to obesity.

Plus, expect an increase of wearables sold like FitBit and Apple watch. Such wearables help users monitor their health as well as put in place steps to live a healthy lifestyle.

3D BioPrinting And Skin Regeneration

Today, regenerating human tissues and organs with the use of one’s own cell is a real possibility. This is all thanks to developments made in stem cell technology. Though in its early stages, some parts of the technology are already in use for managing type 1 diabetes and ending neurological disorders. In addition, stem cell technology is also used in the regenerating skin layers of severely burnt patients.

In combination with 3D bioprinting, stem cell technology will also help in creating functional replicas of different body organs. Once these technologies have been implemented, a drastic reduction in costs and more personalized care for all patients can be expected.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence technology is already in use, helping nurses and doctors make better decisions in diagnosing and treating their patients. The latest boom in AI technology is likely to strengthen the medical world – especially when it comes to treating non-critical conditions like breast lift Henderson | Mastopexy procedures.

Some of these technologies include voice recognition systems that take the doctor’s notes. Administrative software for billing and scheduling will also receive a major facelift in future, making them more patient-centered.


The above technologies are fast becoming the trendsetters in the healthcare industry. Such technologies will make advanced treatments easy and fast.

Author Bio

Tabitha Gits

Tabitha Gits is a super-connector with who helps businesses with building their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. Tabitha frequently writes about the latest advancements in the SaaS world and digital marketing.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

How to Become a Better Healthcare Leader

No matter how big or small the healthcare organization you manage is, you should always be looking for ways to develop your healthcare leadership skills and increase your healthcare knowledge. This often means getting out of your comfort zone and making an extra effort to do so.

Below are some of the most effective ways you can become a better healthcare leader, starting today.

Get an Accredited Healthcare Administration Qualification

Many leading healthcare professionals have natural leadership skills and abilities. However, to take these skills and abilities to the next level, you need to obtain a recognized healthcare administration qualification, such as an online masters in health administration.

A course like the online MHA degree is designed to make students better healthcare managers, planners, and strategists. Once you have completed this type of course, you will then be able to put in place procedures and processes that are guaranteed to make the healthcare organization you work in a more efficient and professional organization.

Hire and Train a Strong Team

Many of the best leaders become great leaders because of the people they surround themselves with. You should take a leaf out of these people's books and do the same thing. Always focus on hiring the best people to work for you.

Some of these employees will already have a great track record in the healthcare sector, while others need to develop certain skills and abilities. To ensure that the people who work for you in a healthcare organization are always on top of their game, you should provide adequate training on an ongoing basis, so that they continue to grow in your organization.

Find Out How Other Healthcare Leaders Operate

When you're trying to become a more accomplished healthcare leader and want to improve the current situation of a healthcare organization, you don't need to reinvent the wheel to do so. Instead, you should look at what other successful healthcare leaders are doing and reach out to them. You will often find that their advice could change your approach to your work and that you may also be able to help these individuals in some way, by networking and sharing ideas.

Keep Up-to-date with the Latest Healthcare Developments

The healthcare sector keeps changing, with new technologies, healthcare methods, and rules and regulations emerging every year. As the leading figure in your healthcare organization, you must keep up-to-date with these latest developments because they can have a huge effect on your healthcare facility or healthcare business in the future.

The internet makes it much easier to do this. Healthcare related organizations such as ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology), the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Mayo Clinic, and a wide range of other organizations have their own websites and social media pages that constantly publish the latest information that can help keep healthcare professionals updated about these latest developments.

Every healthcare administrator and manager should strive to become a better healthcare leader. You can achieve this important objective by following the tips above.

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tackling Hyperextended Elbow

At some point, almost everyone who plays contact sports, either competitively or in weekend pickup games, will hyperextend their elbows. The list includes team sports like football, basketball, and baseball, along with individual sports like boxing and martial arts. Non-contact sports and activities, such as weightlifting or runners who brace themselves during falls, can also cause this injury.

Many joints, such as the wrist and ankle, have almost 360-degree flexibility. But the elbow does not flex backwards at all, so almost any pressure in that direction will cause a hyperextension or worse.

Because these injuries are so common, they are fairly easy for doctors or trainers to diagnose, and they are also fairly easy to treat, given the proper approach.


Hyperextended elbows always have two things in common: unnatural motion and a popping sound. The motion could be the backwards flex mentioned above, or it could also be too much lateral elbow movement. That popping sound is your humeroulnar joint, the muscle that provides elbow flexibility, separating from either your humerus (upper arm) or ulna (lower arm). Some more noticeable symptoms include:
  • Pain: All sports and fitness injuries cause mild, moderate, or severe discomfort, but the pain associated with elbow hyperextension is a little different. The injured area may not hurt much at all unless you flex or touch your elbow.    
  •  Swelling: Probably as a way of protecting the injured area, the tissue around the wound almost always swells. In addition to swelling all around the elbow, your arm may be stiff, which is another way the body tries to protect itself.
  • Loss of Strength: Other than the popping sound, a limp feeling in your elbow and arm is the most obvious sign of a hyperextension. Many people also experience severe muscle spasms, especially when they try to straighten their arms.

In more severe cases, the skin will become discolored and the elbow may become disfigured, due to poor blood circulation.


Self-diagnosis is a little iffy, because although the symptoms are quite clear, you will have no idea about the extent of the injury or if there is something else to worry about as well, such as a hairline elbow fracture. A trainer, or even a very experienced teammate, can probably look at the injury, perform a surface examination, and pretty well estimate the extent of the injury, but without diagnostic equipment, further evaluation is impossible.

So, the best thing to do is go to the doctor. A physician has access to MRIs and X-Ray machines that can both accurately diagnose the full extent of the hyperextension and rule out any other injuries.


Hyperextended elbows, like many other sports and fitness injuries, hardly ever require surgery and may not even require physical therapy. To speed recovery, follow this protocol:
  • Immobilization: Injured elbows are very vulnerable to reinjury, so use an elbow brace to fully immobilize the joint. Once the joint starts healing, another kind of brace that partially immobilizes the area may be a good idea. 
  • Compression: The elbow brace should also be rather tight to limit swelling. Essentially, the brace should feel like a tightly-wrapped ACE bandage.
  • Ice: Fifteen to twenty minutes of cold therapy per day will significantly reduce inflammation and also relieve pain. Your ice pack should remain freezer cold for the entire icing period.
  • Elevation: To further reduce swelling, use pillows to elevate the injured elbow above your heart for as long as possible.

There are also a number of elbow exercises you can use to both hasten recovery and also strengthen the joint to help prevent re-injury.


Most people who follow this treatment plan see significant improvement after about two weeks, and complete healing after about another two weeks.

Do not return to sports activity until the injury is 100 percent healed, which means no pain whatsoever and full range of motion without any discomfort. Furthermore, the formerly injured elbow should look exactly like the uninjured one. If you have any questions, consult a doctor or trainer.

Hyperextended elbows happen a lot, and with a little planning and action, they do not have to keep you sidelined for very long.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Always busy working? Here’s how you can squeeze in a fine workout every day

If you’re always working, you might have a lot going on for yourself at the moment, but it also means that you are pretty much ignoring some necessities such as keeping your body fit.  If you’re feeling bad about neglecting your workout routine as of late, don’t fret. We have the perfect solution for you.

Try out these simple ideas on how to continue to shape your body even when your schedule permits no break for such things. If you look hard enough, you will always find small cracks in a schedule to fit in a little workout routine. Here are our top picks for how to do that.

TV training

Time spent in front of the TV can be very relaxing. If you are enjoying yourself slouched on the couch watching a movie, then you should feel bad. You can use that time to work out and improve your body’s strength. No, don’t turn off the TV. You can still watch it while you exercise. Get your workout equipment and start doing rope jumps, dumbbell curls and everything of the sort. If you learn to maintain this healthy habit, you will strengthen your legs in a month.

Rocky your way up the stairs

If you’ve ever seen the movie Rocky, try to remember the iconic scene with the flight of stairs. That should be your state of mind any time stairs are involved. Instead of casually walking up the stairs and taking your time, try to one up yourself and increase the speed at which you climb them gradually. It will help you improve your stamina but also your physical condition by a lot. It’s effortless to make it a fast and fun little exercise when you’re clearly in a hurry to get to the end of that flight of stairs.

Work out at work

Just because you’re at work doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise your body. Take small 10 minute breaks now and then to stretch and to fit in a little exercise session. Not only will it be the benefit for your body to get out of that office chair and revitalize yourself, but also for the mind as you get to refresh your thoughts and be ready to jump back into the fray at your desk after you’ve completed your routine. It can improve not only solid performance but also work performance by quite a bit.

Treadmill tasks

If you have a lot of things to take care of that require your hands but not your legs, you could multitask on the treadmill. Whether you’re at your workplace gym, local establishment or at home, you can do a lot of things while you’re waiting on the treadmill. Not only will get a lot of work done but the fact that you will concentrate on what’s on your phone, tablet or laptop will also help you forget about the physical challenge of continuing to walk on the treadmill after a while.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, August 14, 2017

How To Make Sport Your Main Addiction

Addiction can be a problematic phenomenon in our lives. If not dealt with at an early stage, it can potentially destroy an individual’s life as he knows it. The problem of addiction is especially more pronounced in the world of gambling. There have been numerous stories about gambling addiction leading to a wide range of issues, apart from the financial ones, for individuals across the world. One of the ways to overcome gambling addiction is to concentrate on other walks of life. Sports is an area where addiction could be a rewarding element.

Gambling is legal in several parts of the world like the United Kingdom, which happens to possess one of the biggest gambling markets in the world. While there are several avenues to help prevent gambling, they are not really ideal. One of the ways is through assistance of responsible gambling, where a punter can place betting limits upon himself in order to restrict the problem. Placing certain boundaries or limits can be a rational thing for an individual.

Sports comes to the rescue with the ability to offer a way out, while also potentially enhancing our life.

Reasons for Gambling Addiction

One of the reasons for gambling addiction is the ‘high’ that it provides when placing a bet or while winning a bet in the casino. Once the addiction goes beyond a certain extent, it is possible for those individuals to derive a high even when they are losing a bet. There are several reasons for an individual to get addicted to gambling in the first place. If he/she is fond of gambling and enjoys reviews of popular online casinos such as mFortune Bingo casino review he/she will definitely become addicted to it.

The prospect of winning money is one of the first reasons, but a large section of people are also gambling just for the fun of it. After a while, the urge to wager becomes more significant than they can notice trying to find out what are mobile slots.

There are a few aspects of the world that can provide a ‘high’ even while keeping an individual safe from physical or mental hazards. A reason for individuals finding it hard to come out of gambling addiction is the lack of necessary replacements that can take its place and provide the same ‘high’ in a safe manner.

Overcoming Gambling Addiction with Sports

Sports provides a physical activity that brings a major improvement to the overall physical condition. However, its biggest facet in the battle against gambling addiction may be the ability to provide a high just like gambling. Many studies have shown that the sport can be a form of a drug that can provide relief from elements like depression and anxiety. At the same time, it can also be an element that will provide pleasure.

This is due to the ability of a sport to activate dopamine, which is a chemical substance secreted by the brain – and which has an effect similar to that of heroin or morphine. As a result, sports or aerobic exercises will be able to provide the same enjoyment as gambling, but they also come with the added benefits of being able to maintain a high level of physical activity and health.

How to Make Sports Your Main Addiction

There are several major types of people who take up sports – obsessive sportsmen, compulsive sportsmen, and addicted sportsmen. The former see sports as a way to get a lot of improvement in health by virtue of using various means of support.

However, this does not make a major difference when it comes to fighting the battle against gambling addiction, as the key focus here is to maintain a high level of fitness. At the same time, compulsive sportsmen see training and the sport as a vital part to the point where they spend a specific routine in the course of the day for those activities.

Lastly, addicted sportsmen are focused on undergoing the sporting activities for a large section of their daily life in order to regulate their mood or any other imbalance issues. As a result, sport plays a major role in the daily life.

While sports addiction does have a few issues like affecting some of the day-to-day functions, it is substantially better than gambling addiction. Rather than losing almost everything in life including money, it is possible for a gambling addict to lose the life as they know it. In terms of sports addiction, though, the disadvantages describe the daily life with enhanced focus on sports. In all other areas, the individual stands to gain a lot of advantage.

Final Thoughts

Physical fitness improved tremendously as a result of sports addiction. Getting addicted to sports may not be tough at all, due to the wide variety of sporting activities or training exercises available today. Merely thinking about all the beneficial aspects will be able to get a person hooked away from gambling or its harmful effects into the world of sports.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Key Benefits of Regular Exercise

There’s no doubt that you already know exercise is beneficial for your health, but do you realize just how good it is? It certainly provides more than just a way to reduce the size of your belly, for example. In fact, from adding more years to your lifespan to improving your sex life, there are many advantages to leading an active lifestyle.

However, getting started with regular exercise is the most difficult part of the process. There’s always a convenient reason to delay your entry into the world of physical activity – even if you know the aforementioned rewards. With that said, and if you need that extra bit of convincing, read on for some of the main benefits of regular exercise.

Promotes a healthier mind

If you struggle with anxiety and/or depression, exercise is one of the best ways to battle these conditions. Getting in better shape will help boost confidence, while staying active with a regular routine also promotes a healthy mind.

Regarding mental health, getting active will also help to overcome relatively smaller issues. For instance, if you’ve had a stressful day at work, a quick workout will lower that stress and result in you feeling more relaxed.

Delivers a boost to energy

You might be thinking: ‘but surely exercise exerts energy and will leave you tired?’ While this is the case in the sense that you’ll be worn-out straight after a strenuous workout, it will supply a giant boost to your energy levels overall. This is because consistent physical activity will improve both your muscle strength and stamina.

Keeps the pounds off

When it comes to exercising, arguably the main motivator for many is losing weight. Thankfully, you don’t have to be a frequent visitor to the gym to drop a few pounds. Simply using the stairs instead of an elevator or jazzing up your daily chores (think dancing while hoovering) will help burn those calories. It also goes without saying that the more calories burned, the better it is for losing weight. To boost the weight loss effect, combine a healthy diet plan with your exercise.

Battles against health issues

There are numerous health issues – including various forms of cancer, arthritis and diabetes – that can be helped by conducting regular exercise. This is also a great way to solve a common concern such as high blood pressure. This is because if you exercise, you keep your heart healthy – which then means that blood circulates through your body more smoothly. For more information on lowering your blood pressure, CareNow’s article on the subject can be incredibly informative, therefore, visit website and learn how to lower your or a loved one's blood pressure naturally.

It’s Sociable

Getting fit and going to the gym doesn’t have to be a singular experience. In fact, exercise is a great way to socialize. Whether it is exercising with friends or meeting new people in a team activity, completing physical activities is more enjoyable when interacting with others at the same time. Also, it might also provide that added level of motivation to stick with your exercise plans. 

This is a guest blog post.