Wednesday, August 09, 2017

How Busy Moms Can Get (and Stay) Fit Too

When you think of people getting in shape, moms are not the first things that necessarily pop into your mind. The main reason for this is because most mothers don’t really have time to spare. They spend every waking moment tending to their children, sorting out the housework, and even holding out a job. This is why many mothers are simply not happy with the way they look and are certainly disappointed in their fitness levels.

There is good news for these moms – you don’t have to continue in this way! With some helpful tips, you will be on the right track again in no time at all:

Sort Out Your Workout Days 

For most mothers, especially working ones, exercising everyday can seem quite drastic in the beginning. Therefore, settle for two or three days in the week where your load is a little lighter. Perhaps your partner comes home a little early on those days or maybe you can arrange a playdate. Make sure that everyone is aware that you will be unavailable for a set period of time on those days.

Carve Out Half an Hour on Workout Days

Ideally, getting in an hour of exercise is best but this may be a bit improbable. So, try working out for half an hour instead. A good way to make time for yourself is to wake up a little early – even just fifteen minutes before you usually do. Then, you can fit in another fifteen-minute workout later on.

To make the most of it, make sure you create specific workouts for these periods. You can create a list of exercises that you are capable of doing and then decide how many sets and reps to do for each workout. This way, you will not waste precious time trying to figure out what you should do.

Walk Instead of Drive 

Getting your kids out of the house can be trying so no mother is looking forward to complicating things even further. However, it will be much better if you can walk instead of drive, whenever possible. Look at all of your common destinations and see just how far away they are. You should also consider routes that can be walked instead of driven. If it can be done, it is time to strap your little one into a stroller instead of a car seat. You will be amazed at your stamina as well as how toned you get.

An Important Note for Moms 

The more you exercise and eat a healthy diet, the more weight that you lose. Still, you may notice that some problems just won’t go away. The most common remnants of your pregnancy days are extra skin around your middle and breasts that are sagging or drooping. To take care of this, you will have to see a mommy makeover surgeon in Scottsdale as these issues require the intervention of a cosmetic surgeon.

There is no denying that it can be tough for mothers to get fit, let alone stay fit. As long as you know how to go about doing it, however, you will find it easier to achieve your personal fitness goal.

Danielle Ward

Friday, August 04, 2017

6 Ways to Deal with Tailbone Pain

Wincing every time you sit down? Experiencing sharp pains in your tailbone after prolonged standing? The tailbone, also known as the coccyx, is a small multi-segmented bone that sits directly at the bottom of your spine. In addition to helping stabilize and support your spine when sitting, the tailbone is a structure through which many connective tendons, muscles, and ligaments run.

Women are reportedly five times as likely as men to develop tailbone pain, or coccydynia, in part because of menstrual cycles and pregnancy. In the final months of pregnancy, the body naturally widens and loosens some of the ligaments that run through the coccyx to prepare for the birthing process. Other risk factors for tailbone pain include degenerative joint damage from years of wear and tear that come with aging, being overweight, a fall or injury to the tailbone area, and prolonged sitting on a narrow or hard surface. Rarely will a tumor or infection be to blame for tailbone pain.

Tailbone pain can range from mild to severe and is typically worse when sitting down, leaning back on the tailbone, standing up from a sitting position, standing for long periods of time, when menstruating (for a woman), and even when using the bathroom or having intercourse. Sometimes tailbone pain can radiate up the spine, or down through the pelvis and even into the legs.

If you’re experiencing tailbone pain, try these common treatments:

Sit on a Donut Pillow: An inflatable donut pillow, round with a hole in the middle, helps coccydynia sufferers by dispersing the weight and pressure applied to the vulnerable tailbone pressure point when sitting down. Use a donut pillow when driving in your car or sitting at work to alleviate pain, enhance your posture, and keep legs from becoming restless.

Adjust Your Body Position: Practicing bad posture habits overtime can place unnecessary stress and pressure on the spine and tailbone. Adjusting your body position to practice better posture can include sitting upright, avoiding crossing your legs, and keeping feet flat on the floor. Leaning forward when you go to sit down, and don’t forget to get up at least every 20 to 30 minutes to relieve the pressure on your coccyx and move around.

Ice and Heat Therapy: Just like with other common injuries, applying cold packs or heating pads to the sore tailbone can provide a temporary analgesic effect that either numbs the area or provides warming relief and diminishes the pain sensations.

Physical Therapy:
If your pain doesn’t subside within a reasonable time, your doctor may recommend physical therapy to help strengthen (and relax) specific stomach and pelvic muscles that support your tailbone.

Manipulation: Physically adjusting the tailbone back and forth through manual manipulation or massage (typically through the rectum by a doctor) may alleviate painful pressure of the coccyx.

Medical Intervention: Doctors may recommend patients with tailbone pain take over-the-counter pain relievers like NSAIDS or Tylenol, and in more severe cases, receive cortisone shots, nerve blockers, or local anesthetics. Occasionally surgery will be performed to remove part of or the entire coccyx.

Tailbone pain typically subsides within a few weeks to a few months, but if persistent and chronic, it can make daily living difficult and uncomfortable. Definitely see your medical provider if chronic tailbone pain is bothering you. With manual examinations and even x-ray imaging, they will be able to diagnose the problem and get you on a path to pain-free sitting and standing.

This is a guest blog posting.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Bouncing Back From Mild Fitness Injuries

Most all of us know that if we twist our ankles we must walk in a boot for a few weeks, if we injure our knees we must walk on crutches, and so on. But what about mild fitness injuries, like sore muscles or excess fatigue? Should we ignore them, suspend our fitness regimens altogether, or take some action that lies somewhere in the middle?

As in many other areas of life, the answer is probably “do something in the middle.”

Sore muscles are perhaps the most common mild sports injury, and many times, our first reaction is to find the best muscle relief cream possible and begin using it straightaway, and this idea is not a terrible one. However, be aware that if the discomfort persists after one or two applications, the pain may indicate that there is a problem in that area, and this potential problem should not be overlooked or masked with additional creams.


For athletes, water is the most important, and usually the only, way to lubricate muscles. Without lots of water, these muscles work harder and therefore become inflamed. Similarly, there is also some evidence linking dehydration with some back issues, because the viscous substance inside the spine can dry out.

The following paragraph about the signs of dehydration is rated PG-13.

A significant number of athletes, even people like marathon runners, are dehydrated. Many people believe that they should only drink water if they feel thirsty. But, if you do not have the urge to urinate, you are probably dehydrated. Moreover, if your urine is colored or bubbly, regardless of the volume, you are probably dehydrated.

The rule of thumb to stay hydrated is eight, eight-ounce servings of water, sports drink, or juice a day. Caffeine is a mild diuretic, so people who drink lots of soda, coffee, or tea may need even more water than that. However, it’s not very hard to work in all those servings. If you drink one bottle before exercise and one bottle after, and drink water with meals, that’s probably five or six servings, so you would only have two or three to go.


Another good way to relieve sore muscles is some added rest. After all, it works for baseball pitchers. This season, Detroit Tigers righthander Justin Verlander, who may have a new home after the trade deadline, has a 6.11 ERA when pitching on four days’ rest and a 3.18 ERA on five or more days’ rest.

Verlander likes to stick to the same schedule and pitch every fifth day, but the extra day of rest may be a necessary concession to keep his performance at a peak level. After all, he isn’t doing anyone any favors, except for the other team’s batters, by giving up six runs a start.

Regular exercisers are much the same. We like to stick to the same schedule and sometimes consider skipping a day to be a sign of weakness. However, if that is what it takes to keep your body in top condition, take the extra day, because physical condition is what it’s all about.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

5 Challenges Your Loved One Might Face and How to Overcome Them

Whether your loved one is elderly or has disabilities that limit her daily life, it's important to face the challenges that greet her head on. Falls are one of the worst things that can happen to your loved one and a little bit of attention and preparation can help to forestall them. Consider some of these challenges that your loved one might encounter and brainstorm some ways you can solve those difficulties quickly.

Trouble with Stairs

Stairs can be particularly dangerous for your loved one to manage. Having extra sturdy hand rails can help, but if your loved one doesn't feel that those are reliable enough, other alternatives are worth looking into. Something like an EasyClimber makes stairs effortless for your loved one. What helps even more is that you don't have to worry at all. Keep stairways clear of clutter and anything that could impede your loved one's progress and make sure that the entire stairway is well lit.

Difficulty with Knobs

If your loved one has arthritis or trouble with grip strength, then operating door knobs or even faucet knobs can be painful and sometimes even impossible. Switching out those knobs for levers is a fast and easy way to make a difference for your loved one. Your loved one can operate a lever with her wrist or elbow with far less effort. This works best for interior doors, of course. For exterior doors that still need knobs for security purposes, consider adding a door knob helper which squeezes down easily and allows the knob to turn more readily.

Trouble with Entrance Areas

Entrance areas can pose a special set of problems for your loved one. Assess the area thoroughly and look for anything that might give your loved one particular trouble, such as stairs or wobbly hand rails. Fix what you can correct, or consider adding additional assistance in the form of a ramp or an extra hand rail. Try to look at the area from your loved one's unique perspective. Something that is easy for you to navigate won't necessarily be simple for your loved one.

Making Room for Assistive Devices

One big problem that your loved one might run into is lack of room for the devices that she now needs to use regularly. Wheelchairs, walkers, and even canes need a little more leeway around them than you might think at first. If your loved one doesn't have enough room to maneuver safely in a doorway or hallway, you might need to consider modifications that give your loved one the room that she needs. Look for space in living areas, too. Rearranging furniture, even a little, can open up way more space than you realize.

Instability in the Shower

When your loved one is in the shower, she's at her most vulnerable. The first thing to do is to ensure that the floor of the shower stall or tub isn't slippery. You can do this with a non-slip shower mat inexpensively. You may also want to install grab bars. If your loved one has difficulty standing in the shower, a shower chair can help quite a bit. Consider also a shower head with a longer hose and handle to help your loved one to wash and rinse with greater ease.

Keeping your loved one safe at home might mean exploring different tools or methods to help correct existing issues. Revisit these solutions regularly to make sure they're still working for your loved one.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

The Most Common Medical Emergencies in the Home and How to Deal with Them

Emergencies can happen without a moment’s notice. In those times’ it can be very difficult to know what to do and how to react as emotions run high and panic can set in. Waiting until those moments happen in order to come up with an action plan is never a good idea. Instead, it’s wise to prepare yourself for a few of the most common medical emergencies that can occur. Being prepared may not just save your own life - it could also save the life of a loved one.

So, what are the most common medical emergencies that may occur in your home, and how should you deal with them? Let’s take a closer look.

Ingesting Poisonous or Hazardous Materials

This particular medical emergency applies more to parents than anyone else. While you may not think you have a lot of hazardous materials in the home, chances are good that once you start to look around you'll be quite surprised.

Things such as fertilizer, makeup, antifreeze, cleaning products, alcohol, lead paint, and medications (prescription and non-prescription) can all prove to be extremely poisonous and dangerous in the hands of children. This is exactly why prevention is key, which means keeping any hazardous or poisonous product up high and out of reach of kids, or better yet, locked up.

Children should also be taught that these products are all extremely dangerous and should never drink or eat them. Should a child come across one of these items that isn’t stored away, they need to know that they shouldn’t touch it and instead should tell an adult right away.

Should these items be ingested, you will need to call the poison control number immediately, and likely 911. It's also a very good idea to have proper CPR training and hold your CPR and First Aid certification, as well proper training in the Heimlich maneuver. Each of these can end up saving a person’s life.


Choking can happen at any time to an adult or a child. This is a very scary situation where your response time can mean the difference between life and death. It's important to first determine if it is just mild choking or severe choking. If it is mild choking, you will want to encourage the person to cough in order to get rid of the partial blockage.

If a person's airways are just partially blocked, they will still be able to breathe, cough, cry, and/or speak. Encourage them to spit out whatever it is, and continue to cough. There is no need to stick your fingers in their mouth. In these situations, it's usually unnecessary to call 911.

If a person is severely choking then they won't be able to breathe, cough, cry, or speak - coughing it out won't be possible. If the person doesn't receive immediate help, they will lose consciousness fairly quickly. It's best to call 911 immediately and start to administer the Heimlich manoeuvre. Should they lose consciousness and stop breathing before medical responders arrive, you will need to administer CPR.


There are all kinds of different levels of bleeding, so this particular situation can be a non-emergency or an emergency. The severity of the situation will depend on how deep the cut is and where the cut is located. Sometimes, a cut that isn't terribly deep can end up being an emergency just because of where it's located. There are also certain areas of your body that bleed a lot more than others, including your nose, toes, fingers, and scalp. An extreme quantity of blood in these areas is enough to make most people panic, but it’s important to remain calm in these situations.

Unless you are a medical professional, it's pretty hard to tell how serious the cut is and whether the bleeding is life-threatening. Obviously, there will be some cuts and scrapes that you can just clean up at home and apply a bandage, but if you feel scared by the amount of blood or where the cut is, it's best to seek help. You can either go to the hospital or call 911.

Chest Pain

This particular issue seems to have received more attention as of late and people are starting to understand that the faster you respond, the better the outcome. Chest pain should never be brushed off or ignored, no matter how young or old the person is. Experts recommend that any type of chest pain be treated as a heart attack until proven otherwise by medical professionals.

When someone complains of chest pain, a call should be placed to 911 immediately. From there you want to check on their breathing and make sure they are able to still catch a breath. It's best to have them lay down and position their head with the chin pointing up, make sure the tongue is out of the way so it can't be swallowed. If they aren't breathing, CPR will be necessary.

For the person who is experiencing chest pain but is still breathing, it can be a very scary experience. Talking to them and keeping them calm will help to keep things under control until first responders arrive.

Dizziness and Fainting

This particular medical emergency is more common than you may think. While mild dizziness may not point to anything too severe, it's still important to keep an eye out and watch if it is getting worse. Should the person feel dizzy, ill, and weak, it's important to call 911 immediately. They may even end up fainting, depending on the cause. Things that can cause dizziness and fainting include low blood sugar, diabetes, a heart condition, a heart attack, pregnancy, and heatstroke.

While you are waiting for responders to arrive you want to be watching that they are still breathing okay and what their level of alertness is. Talking to them, asking them simple questions, and watching their chest to be sure it's rising and falling is ideal. Should they stop breathing, it will be necessary to administer CPR.

The Basic Takeaways

These are just a few of the most common medical emergencies that can happen in your home, either to you or a loved one. Going through each of these medical issues, it becomes clear that there are a few main takeaways, which are:

Learn lifesaving techniques: A number of these situations require you to either perform CPR or the Heimlich maneuver. This means you need to have taken a course and have your certification. Keep in mind something such as CPR will require you to become re-certified every two years.
Stay calm and in control: Emergency situations are extremely stressful and scary, but it’s very important you stay calm and in control. You need to be able to answer questions from medical personnel and take the proper steps while waiting for them to arrive.

When in doubt, call 911: You should never feel as though a medical emergency isn’t big enough or severe enough to call 911. If you are scared or you are in doubt about what you should do, call 911 immediately. Let the medical responders decide what is an “emergency” and what isn’t. Remember, they have the training, they have the experience and knowledge, so let them do their job.

By having a medical emergency action plan in place, you will be that much better prepared to handle one of these situations in your home should one occur. Your quick response could just save your life or someone else’s.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, July 24, 2017

The World's Cosmetic Surgery Hotspots

Over the last year, according to the outcome of the annual Global Aesthetic Survey for 2016 by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons or (ISAPS), there has been a marked increase in cosmetic non-surgical and surgical procedures worldwide. The most common forms of plastic surgery are buttock lifts which account for a 22 percent rise and a 45 percent rise in labiaplasty.

However, it would be wrong to assume that surgery is widespread in nations where most of the procedures are performed because when the per capita figures are calculated, the leader board shifts with the five top countries being America, Brazil, Japan, Italy and Mexico. Although one might assume that Miami or Hollywood take the lead, a closer look by the Cosmos Clinic reviews reveals that cosmetic surgery is quite popular in other parts of the world like Australia too. The cosmetic surgery hotspots in the world include:

Seoul, South Korea

A look around the city will show one many instances of bandaged locals, and the enhanced cuteness of many others. This is an indicator that plastic surgery is common in the city. But in Seoul, many surgeons are careful not to take part in the ISAPS audit even though available data indicate that more than 20 people per 1000 have the procedure.

Miami, USA

It is estimated that for every 100,000 residents over 18 years, Miami has about 18 plastic surgeons. World class surgical procedures can be accessed from the University of Miami Hospital, the Mount Sinai Medical Center and The Cleveland Clinic, just to mention a few.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazil leads in the per capita concentration of plastic surgeons. The city of Rio is home to many renowned plastic surgeons who also offer training facilities for other surgeon. Many medical tourists jam Rio every year to get popular procedures like face lifts, tummy tucks and breast augmentation performed on them.

New York, USA

The city has nine major hospitals for cosmetic surgery, and apart from being the heart of culture, technology and other innovations, the city of New York is also a hotspot for plastic surgery. One of the leading and most renowned doctors for the procedures in America has his practice in the city.

Bangkok, Thailand

There are numerous plastic surgery centers where one can relax as the treatment is going on. Every year, thousands of patients flock to the city known as the Land of Smiles. Most of the doctors in Thai who perform the procedures are experienced and have certification from Australian and American surgery boards. All the practices in Thailand reflect the standards of the American Medical Council.

Los Angeles, USA

There is nowhere else where the need for enhancing appearances might be as acute as in this city because it is home to Hollywood and thousands of celebrities. As many as 134 plastic surgeons in California made it to the list of "U.S. News List of Top Doctors". Some of the nation's top celebrities have the procedures performed on then using some of the latest and most advanced technologies.

San Jose, Costa Rica

The city has become a popular destination for plastic surgery because the prices are cheaper. Its proximity to many US cities and the fact that tourist can stay for up to 10 days without a visa makes it very attractive for patients who need time to recover.

Dunyagoz, Turkey

Due to the English speaking culture, Turkey is a popular vacation city for tourists seeking surgery. It is believed that Turkey performs over a quarter million procedures annually because the clinics have advanced equipment besides being cheap. Other cities that also perform many procedures are Mumbai in India and Singapore city in Singapore.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Medical Tourism in Mexico

Mexico is the 13th largest nation in the world and is one of the most visited countries in the world. There are many reasons why Mexico is a popular tourism destination ranging from its sprawling white beaches and resorts, warm climate, breathtaking views of the ocean and mountain ranges, delectable cuisines,  and historical cultural landmarks. More recently, Mexico has also become a popular destination for patients residing in other countries seeking effective medical care at a much lower cost (e.g., compared to the United States and Canada).

Overall, Mexico’s healthcare system is highly rated, particularly in the major cities. Some medical facilities in Mexico will make all of the travel arrangements for the patient to make the process easier. Most of the doctors in Mexico who work in medical tourism sites are comfortable speaking in English.

A few of the common reasons people from other countries seek medical care in Mexico includes:

1. Weight loss surgery: Obesity has become a world-wide epidemic and is associated with a wide variety of negative health consequences such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, high cholesterol, cancer, and high mortality rates. As such, many people who need to lose weight and have not had success with traditional weight loss methods such as diet and exercise are interested in pursuing bariatric surgical procedures to help with weight loss. There are many such procedures available, including gastric bypass surgery, the gastric sleeve procedure, the gastric balloon procedure, and the duodenal switch. These procedures reduce the input of food and liquid and some can alter functioning of gut hormones to decrease hunger and increase the feeling of fullness. For more information about these procedures in Mexico, see

2. Cosmetic work: Cosmetic work is very popular in Mexico due to significant cost savings. Most cosmetic procedures are very expensive in the United States are not covered by insurance. For example, whereas as a face lift can cost $18,000 dollars at a U.S. clinic, the same procedure by a reputable plastic surgeon in Mexico can cost $4250. Thus, many patients are willing to pay out of pocket for the drastically reduced costs and make plans to recover in a relaxing resort area. 

3. Dental treatment: As featured recently by National Public Radio, medical tourism in Mexico is very popular for dental procedures that are normally very expensive in the U.S.  Examples include dental implant procedures, bridge placement, multiple root canals with crown placements, and other cosmetic dental procedures. The prices for these dental and cosmetic procedures can be two thirds of the price of these same procedures in the U.S. and Mexcio, often with the same (or better) results. The appointments can also usually be scheduled quickly due to the high number of dentists practicing in Mexico and the high number of dental labs that can make materials (such as crowns) in only a day or two.

Other popular reasons for medical tourism in Mexico include orthopedic surgery (such as hip and knee replacement surgery), heart surgery, and eye surgery.  As with medical care that you seek in any country, be sure to do your research into any company and health care provider(s) that you seek to engage with for medical tourism to be sure that it is reputable and known for providing excellent health care.