Monday, September 24, 2018

How to Get Rid of Bruises - Top 5 Herbal Medicines

I am a believer in herbal medicines. Okay, say it with me…but on the other hand, I’d totally understand if you won’t. If you’ve been downing synthetic medicines or applying unnatural creams all your life, it’s hard to convince you to switch to a more organic treatment.

Why would you? They’re usually pharmaceutically-supported cures that are also widely recommended by doctors. And we all know doctors didn’t become doctors overnight. They spent countless hours burning the midnight oil just so they can help cure people. But before these inorganic medicines, what did they use in the past?

Herbalism or the use of plants for medicinal purposes has a long history from thousands of years ago during the Paleolithic era, and these were passed on from one generation to another. That’s why most of the baby boomers believe that plants are the panacea for every contusion you will ever have. This practice is prevalent in bucolic areas where hospitals and doctors are inaccessible, so they resort to herbal remedies which were also passed on to them from their ancestors. And if you ever speak to one, maybe their ‘healing’ stories will convince you. Anyhow, I’ve summed up the top 5 herbal medicines that will surely cure that one stubborn bruise that won’t go away.

1 Turmeric (Curcuma Longa)

Known as the “Golden Spice” which is extensively used as a spice for cooking; this powerful powder can do magic on your wounds! The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes dates back to ancient Chinese tradition and Indian Ayurveda practice to cure a vast array of skin diseases.

To date, it is well-known for its inflammatory components internally, and externally. There are a lot of turmeric teas infused with honey and lemongrass for sale (I just had one!). But it can also be applied topically to act as an anti-bacterial, and help stop bleeding. The magic that does that is the ‘curcumin’ component in turmeric.

2 Comfrey (Symphytum)

This is the main ingredient in some of the healing salves that are famously used for wounds, itches, and even sunburns! Allantoin, the healing component of comfrey, is responsible for cell reproduction, ergo, heals the wounds quickly. You can even use comfrey leaves and root as a hot compress for dislocations, and sprains. But of course, consulting a doctor is always the smartest option for major injuries. In addition, be cautious of taking comfrey internally as there were reports of toxic effects of a component called pyrrolizidine alkaloid from comfrey. When taken in large doses, it could possibly lead to liver damage!

3 Moringa (Moringa Oleifera)

Moringa is endemic to some parts in Africa and Asia and is otherwise known as ‘drumstick tree’ by the British. Our body needs its daily dose of vitamins to keep it healthy and just like a wound, it needs proper components to recuperate.

Ethyl acetate in Moringa oleifera leaves is known to have healing agents for skin wounds. Because of this amazing ingredient, the skin fibroblast propagates and migrates causing the wounds to close rapidly.

I can attest to the wonders of moringa, and I tell you it really does work! I once surfed on this island and got a really nasty wipeout; with no pharmacies or clinics available, I crushed a lot of moringa leaves using a mortar and a pestle until the oils and natural juices were extracted. Then I simply put it on my wound every day. And it drastically improved after a few days because it kept my wound dry and free from infection!

4 Arnica (Arnica Montana)

Considered as a wild plant imported to America from Europe, this sunflower-like plant grows from April through September. It’s also popularly called as ‘mountain tobacco’, and ‘leopard’s bane’. Sounds terrifying? Because it is! This isn’t for internal consumption. But if you use it topically, it can do wonders particularly easing super sore bruises.

The most popular way of using arnica is as an ointment but you can do a DIY application: Mix a tablespoon of arnica powder into a cup of boiling water, then let it boil for 10 minutes. Filter the compact powder using a burlap cloth, and apply to the wounded area.

5 Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia)
Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory elements that are essential in treating wounds and fending off bacteria. Grab your favorite creams or lotions and put a dash of tea tree oil before you apply it to your skin, it helps fight fungal, bacterial, and viral infections as well. But not only that, it’s also a cure-all for acne, boils, abscesses, and even animal bite wounds!

Let me reiterate that it is common sense to consult a medical practitioner especially for major wounds, cuts, and bruises. If you feel that you can take matters into your own hands, you may do so but do it at your own risk.

This is a guest blog posting.

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