Monday, November 06, 2017

Tips to Be a More Successful New Nurse

Being a nurse is rewarding. That probably sounds very cliché, but it is the truth. It is a very diverse field, so it is easy to find an area that interests you. However, when you are first starting out, you want to make sure that you begin on the right foot. There are some tips that new nurses can use to make the transition into their new career a little easier. It is all about being humble and making sure that you extend respect for the other nurses that you are going to be working with.

Plan to Increase Your Education

When you first get started, you will want to get used to the flow of the nursing world. From there, you want to give yourself a chance to become more education and knowledgeable about the field. If you are starting out with a bachelor’s degree, you might consider moving up to a master’s degree or a doctorate. You can click here to learn more about this path. When you achieve this level of education, you are opening up a lot more doors and helping to further your career.

Find a Mentor

Having someone in your corner who is willing to teach you and listen when you have had a bad day is one of the most valuable things a new nurse can have. You want to make sure that you can trust your mentor and that they have the right level of experience. This could be a former teacher or even one of your new colleagues who has been on the job for a long time. Just make sure to choose wisely.

Be Patient

You just got out of nursing school and received your license. You are not going to be the perfect nurse the day you start your first job. You need to be patient, especially with yourself. Do not beat yourself up if you are not perfect. Make sure that you ask for help when you need and do not be shy about asking questions or for clarification. The nurses you are going to be working with know what it is like to be new and they are always willing to help and answer questions. Know that it takes a good year or two to become comfortable in this field.

Reflect Every Day

Remember that being a new nurse is a learning experience and when you take your experiences each day and turn them into lessons, you will learn a lot more. After you get off work, reflect on your day while you make your way home. Focus on the positive, but take note of any mistakes you made or any negative interactions since you can learn from these. When you get home, you might consider jotting down the new things you learned or some things you want to reinforce your knowledge on.

Be Teachable

It has been said several times that when you are new, you have to be focused on learning. Nursing school certainly teaches you a lot, but it does not cover everything. When you are teachable, you can prevent mistakes that could have serious consequences on your career, so be open and never be afraid to question yourself.

You can see that it is not too hard to get started off right as a new nurse. Make sure that you take every opportunity possible to learn since this field is constantly evolving and something new is always happening. You can also chat with your fellow newer nurses and get some advice on how to approach your first job. This can help you to integrate and ensure that you are doing everything right to keep your employer, coworkers and patients happy.

This is a guest blog entry.

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